2 gold per minion anomaly

Anyone else here HATE the minions are 2 gold, you can’t refresh the tavern anomaly? I got quillboar going and I was always losing blood gems due to having to buy minions to try to get what I want and didn’t have enough time oftentimes to be able to actually empty my hand before fight and with mechs had like 20g left to spend too right before combat. I came in 2nd, but wow so annoying not being able to empty your hand.

Also, I almost got screwed by the anomaly as after 4th minion I could get 2 triples on one tavern refresh, but well you know…after buying one of them I did get the other triple on next refresh, but I was like wow.

haven’t actually played it yet but what I understand is that you can roll for the same price as in normal game
Buy a minion for 2, sell it, you just rolled for 1 gold
What remains is that minions you really want are cheaper but you can only get 1 per roll, for the thoery I like the idea

Because of this anomaly hs and everything else from blizzard is dead and uninstalled. Since on this forums they will just ban me whenever they find it pleasing, I will just make online pages, online accounts on every social media I can were I will spew so much hate and raise so many people to hate and stop playing Blizzard games as I can…Here they can enforce the law but beide this forums and battle net they are just money s@cking flies…

If I can get even 50-100 people to stop paying this bastards I will consider myself justified. And probably because 50-100 people will stop playing blizzard games 1 random Blizz employee will lose his job as a repercusion.

Imagine having so much energy to waste in hate just because of one anomaly, during one season, in one game mode, of one game, of one company

Games are meant to be fun things to play during your free time. If you don’t like a game just do something else. Try to find something fun for you to do, even if it’s not a game. Do it for yourself. Don’t waste your life in a spiral of hatred.

If you have that much time to waste for a meaningless revenge, why don’t you use that time to try to improve someone’s life instead ?