Hopefully in a few hours.
Ojala en unas horas …
Hopefully in a few hours.
Ojala en unas horas …
Uhhh it’s the 28th and I just returned expecting this cancer to be gone. 7 tiller priests later…WHY YOU LYING TO ME BLIZZ
Blizzard cadê a atualização??? Tá quase acabando o dia aqui, nossa que ridículo isso
I couldn’t agree more. It was the most interesting card of the miniset. The nerf is embodied laziness. The card is not problematic: without inmune in standard, and fixing the “0 attack minions can attack” nonsense, there is almost 0 chance of degeneration even with future attack triggers (and IF it happens IN STANDARD, fix it THEN).
The card was fresh and full of possibilities, now it’s just another removal. Sad.
Patch has finally been applied. I wasn’t the only one expecting it sooner, but am glad they fixed it. Thanks Blizz developers!
Worst nerf in a while. They keep targeting priest, and if the problem was some old wild card combo, just nerf that card. Priest is always being nerfed and changed most frequently, and is almost always one of the weakest classes on standard despite being more interesting to play, at least to me, than some face decks, tempo decks, or decks that rely on a single card (how are Tickatus and Il’gynoth fine and hysteria bad?). Trying hard to kill control priest in any possible way, every single expansion, for no reason.
RIP Hysteria, was an interesting card.
And maybe RIP HS for me.
The change that could fix tiller combo is simple - they could have made him immune to spells.
good on you guys for chosing to change the new card instead of the wild cards here i really thought you would avoid that and I am one of your generally more optimistic fans. good choice makes the card easier to balance with future sets.
they shouldve changed how inmune works
make it so inmune cards cant be interact with other cards almost like a dormant minion so you cant buff or target them with spells
I disagree with the Hysteria changes. You leave us priests with no defense against other classes who can kill us by turn 4,5 and 6. If we manage to survive until turn 7 when we can actually play the Tiller combo don’t we deserve to win? Not only that but changes like this mid-season are ridiculous. I’m boycotting Hearthstone entirely until you fix this. Change it at the end of the season - don’t do it now when some of us were JUST starting to enjoy the game. I’ve played Priest since Hearthstone began and I lose way more than I win - even though I have almost every card and build the best priest decks possible. To think you’re going to cut us off and not even let us win for one season is sickening. I’m out.
maybe i missed it and it was already explained but anyone knows what was happening if the enemy got a ice block and than do the tiller combo??? (in my head i see only result is game brake/soft lock :D)
are you idiots? do you think the arrangement only hurts wild? The arrangement of the card, is because it comes with future Expansions and it surely brings mechanics with damage to the enemy Hero, think a little sleeve of Socks, with Mental Deficiency.
Bye Bye Friend, send me a picture of when you’re away
Bye Bye Friend, send me a picture of when you’re away
This was a mini expansion, with a few cards. Let’s suppose I bought it for real money, 15 EUR, just to get Hysteria and be able to play this deck. 5 days later, it gets nerfed. In such a case, isn’t it reasonable to offer people who purchased it to get a full refund if they return the cards? or at least some compensation? Any game company… in fact… ANY COMPANY would do that. they release a defected product, people have the right for either a full refund, or at least a compensation.
The Uther Book of Heroes Achievement is still not fixed, it shows not completed and the Ashes of Outland Solo Adventure is also still bugged
did they fix the rogue secret triggerting with a full board doing nothing ???
Which bug is this? I haven’t heard of it.
Would like to know that, too
shadow clone triggers while your board is full doing nothing
going by how other secrets which summon minions the secret shouldnt trigger at all