19.0 Patch Notes

19.0 Patch Notes

The 19.0 patch brings an all-new progression system and prepares the Tavern for Madness at the Darkmoon Faire!

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Thanks for fixing the golden card bug in duels.

So will mega bundle owners be getting the paid track for free, or a discount, or how will that work?


Wow ultra greedy but what do I expect from Blizzard. Fortnite’s Battlepass, Which pays for itself when you play all the quests, only costs 7.99. You get more than enough currency to get the next battle pass with a little bit leftover. I had hoped you would allow us to do the same with gold.

But no, not only is the battlegrounds tavern pass increasing in price, but you also are charging us 20 dollars to the premium reward track. (Why wouldn’t it just be bundled in at this point?). Instead of using gold gotten in-game people have to spend out on it.

Fortnite has the perfect pass system model, it more than encourages monetization of other things alongside it. Why you wouldn’t want that to happen here is beyond me. This is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Hearthstone is mega-popular and makes a ton of money off card-pack sales already. Did you really need to charge us that much for it?


Probably neither, since the list of mega bundle goodies didn’t include anything about the battle pass.


Do you think we will get a “free arena ticket” if we don’t finish our arena run?

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If we currently have uncompleted quests, are they “use them or lose them” and we should do them today, or should we keep them until tomorrow for more experience in the new system?

To DLMdD, they’ve been extremely consistent about giving tickets for uncompleted runs at the end of the season. I wouldn’t expect that to change, but I’ve been wrong before.

Do all quests today. They will be gone tomorrow with the new reward system since there is an entirely new system in its place.

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Please fix plot twist and glide glitch that crashes the game for mobile players


If the Tavern Pass only lasts for one expansion, you should include it in the Mega Bundle for the expansion… Increase the cost if you have to, but don’t make us buy separate things


A man can hope I suppose

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You can earn XP just for playing the game in most game modes. This includes Casual, Ranked, Arena, Duels, Battlegrounds, Tavern Brawls, and Adventures. Friendly Challenge variants of these modes do not give XP.

I love you HS tytyty Yay the lack of this was kinda why I not been around!


Actually Battlegrounds Perks went down in gold cost. It was 2500 for the full season, and it’s now 2000 gold.

The paid track seems like an OK price, if you play any of the classes with new portraits. They kinda discriminate with these seven. Two of the three male portraits are topless. Only one of the female portraits is lacking clothes, and it’s the one in a class with an armor upgrade as its hero power? If they showed Jaina wearing Ice Barrier as armor, I’d be OK with that.


OH right, sorry. I was getting confused with the reduced price they introduce part-way through an expansion. (A price they should’ve reduced it too permanently.) I still think it’s super ridiculous to charge for it all on top of the paid track. We should only have one form of expansion monetization.

I still think 20 is far, far too much and it absolutely needs an in-game gold equivalent as well.


When will be active patch. (in game)?


Typically they push patches at 1pm eastern (10 am pacific)

You won’t always get a definite answer but this would be my best guess.


Then don’t buy it. If nobody buys it, they’ll lower the price or set a gold price.

(Plenty of people are going to buy it, so this will never happen. But you, personally, should not buy anything you consider too expensive. That’s just how money works.)

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It should be going live in 18 hours!

I’ll agree with the gold equivalent for the paid track. Even if it was 3000 gold for the paid track, I’d still want the paid track over 2000 gold BG perks. Right now, I’m not paying cash for hero portraits when the heroes aren’t even in my top four classes.

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Most likely. This has been the case the past few expansions.