17.6 Balance Updates

Control Mage still farms Spell Druid, so idk.

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Control Mage is atm only 1,5 % behind Highlander Mage at dia 4-1and legend, dunno still might overtake it.

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It also rides a lot on getting big spells out with Dragoncaster, which is about to get bumped. 6 to 7 is a pretty big deal in terms of trying to get early swing turns in.

I’ve been playing a deck similar to it, but instead of the typical early control stuff I run a defensive Secret package with Flakmage/Smuggler as it helps more against aggression and holds better value later into the game. I don’t think it will be my best off-meta Mage deck once the nerfs hit, though.


I hope DH will lose 5% in overall class popularity;)

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I will be bewildered if DH still manages to be Tier 1 after their 5th set of nerfs. Pretty much all of their good cards have been nerfed, how could they still have a functional deck after this?

Control DH could make its way up the popularity chain to Tier 2/3, and Aggro DH still has an explosive enough early game to at least be upper Tier 2.


I have just cooked up some control deck for fun, not sure if it is viable.


Class: Mage

Format: Standard

Year of the Phoenix

2x (1) Arcane Breath

1x (1) Evocation

1x (1) Ray of Frost

1x (2) Acidic Swamp Ooze

1x (2) Ancient Mysteries

1x (2) Doomsayer

1x (2) Frostbolt

2x (3) Arcane Intellect

2x (3) Flame Ward

1x (3) Frost Nova

1x (3) Ice Barrier

1x (3) Imprisoned Observer

1x (4) Hippogryph

1x (5) Malygos, Aspect of Magic

2x (5) Rolling Fireball

2x (6) Blizzard

1x (7) Flamestrike

2x (8) Deep Freeze

2x (8) Power of Creation

1x (9) Alexstrasza

1x (10) Kalecgos

1x (10) King Phaoris

1x (10) The Amazing Reno

Instead of ooze perhaps Solarian. Idk if this deck survives until turn 10…
It doesn’t have enough dragon, maybe I need to put in the neutral 5 mana one, or go without Alex and then Siamat, hm…
Then again, perhaps dragon caster is still viable afterall, especially coined.

This is what I’ve been playing since near the end of last season:

Nexus Forces

Class: Mage

Format: Standard

Year of the Phoenix

2x (1) Arcane Breath

1x (1) Evocation

2x (2) Ancient Mysteries

2x (2) Apexis Smuggler

2x (2) Arcane Flakmage

1x (2) Astromancer Solarian

1x (3) Arcane Intellect

2x (3) Flame Ward

2x (3) Ice Barrier

2x (3) Imprisoned Observer

2x (4) Azure Explorer

1x (4) Twilight Drake

1x (5) Malygos, Aspect of Magic

2x (6) Dragoncaster

1x (8) Deep Freeze

1x (9) Alexstrasza

1x (10) Kalecgos

2x (10) Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron

1x (10) Pyroblast

1x (10) The Amazing Reno


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Yes, I deliberately put Pyroblast in a deck lol. You’d be shocked at just how well this sucker makes it to turn 10 and closes with it, whether against Priest or Demon Hunter. It also basically discovers another half of a deck as you play it. It’s a bit meme-y, as I play it (almost spitefully) to nail those crazy early Box turns instead of relying on more stable cards like PoC, but at this point I’m mostly just playing it for the shenanigans until the patch hits.

After that, I’ll probably be focusing entirely on Khadgar/Cyclone or No-minion builds.

I can say that if nothing else, playing this deck has shown me that a modest Secret Package is pretty underrated.


Cyclone mage is close to being good and could easily be viable with just a couple new good cards.

Not saying this will happen, but:

If all your good cards are stupid powerful, getting all of them nerfed to something more reasonable doesn’t necessarily mean the class is doomed.


If all your good cards are stupid powerful, getting all of them nerfed to something more reasonable doesn’t necessarily mean the class is doomed.

I didn’t mean I think DH will become dumpster tier. I’d moreso just be confused if they still somehow still have a Tier 1 deck after a 5th set of nerfs.

Fair enough, I misread that. On the other hand, it did manage to climb back up to Tier 1 after every previous round of nerfs, so… :smiley:

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DH was Tier S before so maybe its finally just tier 1 or maybe omg god forbid somehow tier 2??? Wouldnt hurt my feelings at all if tier 2.

I’m just concerned about Reno quest and quest mages in wild. Iceblock and they can complete their 8 card quest turn 4 easily with a two mana combo of coin sorcerers apprentice, evocation, random spells and zap you and then drop a elemental evocation and 0 mana cyclone to give them 4-6 perm cards, while also being able to ping or burn your face with a three mana flamewaker. Ignoring lethal with ice blocks plus Reno, and then casting time warp on t6 and otking you without any counterplay to ice block Reno and 4x 8/8 giants for 0 mana by turn 4. There’s games where I’ve managed to reduce them down to 2 hp with two cards in their hand and then just died the next turn (with all 30 hp) to them.

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That doesn’t happen.

No Quest Mage player with 2 apprentices, mana cyclone, evocation, elemental invocation, and flamewaker on hand by turn 3 would ever tempo out the flamewaker on that turn.

And why do they need to coin out the Apprentice on the next turn anyway?

It does, it’s just all the stupid silly crap they can do with 1-2 cards while that 1 mana evocation might as well read a 0 mana summon a 3/2, deal 8-16 random damage to clear minions on board, summon a 2/2 and add time warp and 8 mage spells to your hand for 2 mana.

0 mana 32/32 of stats with charge and megaWindFury on turn 5/6 #seemsBalanced.

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And you let a Flamewaker stick around for a turn?

What did you think would happen?


I’m in the top 100-50 legend of wild bud and the deck is stupid. After a while i miss seeing a turn 7, since everyone complains all the time about endgame cards but there’s hardly a point. If i have a 5/6 and 4/6 on the board, it shouldn’t get flipping obliterated into the shadow realm because they put a 4 health 3 drop down on the board and then promptly get 20 cards in one. Say it all you want but if you think a 1 mana draw 20 card is fair and balanced in quest mage, flamewaker, mana reduction and flamewakers and iceblocks + renos to prevent kos and 0 mana 32/32s that can be further discovered or duped with randomly discovered mage cards, you’re off your rocker.

Why did they need to coin the second SA on 4?

If you are Top 100 player, you should know you don’t let a Flamewaker on 3 stick, when the Mage hasn’t played anything other than Quest on 1 and HP on 2.

And I ask again, why are they coining the second SA on 4, if they have 4 mana in the first place.

Sherlock, a coin gives 1 mana and evocation fills your hand. If they have 1 more mana, they can cast more spells genius and more random bs stats. Besides there’s no 3 mana deal 4 damage card in a lot of decks or classes. Any board that you have tends to be obliterated the turn it comes out because it shoots every minion for 2. And honestly the fact that a mage needs to be considered a threat always with the potential for casting 20 spells from 1-2 cards in hand just because of topdecking sorcerer + apprentice BS is just bs.

Not to mention sherlock that there is this magical thing known as “Later turns” where they have more mana and can roll just more bs on a turn 5. Trying to kill them is a nighmare being put on a clock and even if you do, they just iceblock and otk you through it anyways. The new 1 mana Evocation card just completely breaks the quest mage archetype honestly imo. They should at least have to spend at least 1 mana on a spell to trigger flamewaker or quest credit imo if they’re gonna play 20 spells a turn for free in a single 1 mana card. Or change it to a 1 mana add 3 temporary spells like Warlock’s Soularium which is still a very powerful.