17.6 Balance Updates

Yeah, sure, Dragoncaster was played in a highlander deck, but that’s mostly just Mage not having other options which could include Dragoncaster.

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that post was in response to a rogue nerf post not a DH one

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No. It did not see play because the restriction was just nuts and we also were in a time were most mage big spells were AoE.

Basically not only the card was worse but spells selection were just meh.

Not act like the card was some model for balance because it really was bad in every way possible.

That card really isn’t a balance model for any card.

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I believe I mentioned the inferior spell choices in my original post also, as a side note. But if I didn’t, I should have definitely done so.

Thx For the 1600 dust i knew METAmorphosis will gets its round too im not dh player but im keeping its cards until each gets its nerfXD Goog ridance.

might as well just ditch dragonqueen from my highlander priest and go for more tempo plays via early buffs and rushing to complete quest…3600 dust anyway back in the menu

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Dragonqueen is a 2 mana nerf so its gone and gala rogue is a 4 mana nerf which utterly destroys card and rogue so rogue needs help fast


So? What would you like for priest to be nerfed?

And im lucky cuz my galakron never even mattered im priest btw hello there:D

But lets be real no rouge will ever say my overly tempo orinented deck that abuses multiple recasting of legendary effects via card copying or shadovstep effects is too strong give me somethign else…the times i read ROUGE is dead every time their cards got nerfed and somehow still ends up top tier 2 weeks later is offensive.

I wonder if we’ll see the resurgence of the DR package now that Galakrond is probably gonna be tossed aside.

Guess where im finding that answer…from your deck…

Most of the DR package is from Boomsday, so it can’t come back.

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You are being overly dramatic that dh NOW may not going to remain top tier anymore its astounding nonetheless but overdramatic realy.

But how can you suggest that he stops using absurt 0 mana cards or just not palying agalkron until he draw those cards out? Thats common logic there sir we dont enforce that around here.

Not sure about that. So far they have a lot of cheap spells to abuse.

Oh right, I’m dumb. Then maybe the Burgle Package? Lots of it came from YoTD, so it’s in standard.

Now if they’d just give rogue a good tempo toolkit next expansion, the greatest class can return to playing its TRUE deck type.

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Question: Does anyone think Mage is even going to be playable after these nerfs? I’m predicting tier 4 if it registers at all. I literally hate what Team 5 has done to my class and to this game. I really hope the overpaid morons get the boot.

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Highlander Mage is going to take the DQA nerf a lot harder than Highlander Hunter. I doubt HL Mage will make it anywhere above Tier 3.

These nerfs overall though, will slow down the meta noticeably. While I still see Warrior, Priest, DH and (Dragon) Hunter as the main decks afterword (Spell Druid will likely still be quite playable as well) I thing these changes might make serious room for things like Spell Mage, Elemental Mage, possibly Tempo Mage and Pure Paladin to carve themselves out a chunk of viability.