17.6 Balance Updates

And you expect me to believe that in a meta where Pirate Warrior dumps 5 Pirates by 3, a deck that can’t deal 4 damage on turn 4 is going to do well without being able to deal with a Tempo Flamewaker on 3?

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Before there was ussually a limit of ACTUALLY having to draw the cards or use a gasp twinspell to trigger it. Flamewaker broke a lot of brawls. Contrary to belief there isn’t a 3 mana deal 4 aoe to all minions card. As for caring, sure why don’t we save some time and you just believe whatever you want to. You seem to be about as receptive as a brick wall with a echo microphone on that only speaks to listen to itself.

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What are you talking about?

First of all, in your scenario, Flamewaker was dropped on 3.

So that’s 3 turns of possible board development.

Second, you would have had 4 mana on 4.

Third, you don’t need AOE, just 4 damage single target removal (if you went AFK turns 1-3).

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Nerf rogue … was that really necessary? :disappointed_relieved:

Because i am really pissed of right now, i may get a ban, but im gonna say it.

I made a video on the comments posted about the patch 17.6 balance update. Check it out here!

It is and still will be the strongest aggro class, even after so many nerfs. You can just imagine how insanely unbalanced it was since the beginning.

Hey there!! Blizzard are you insane? Mage have nothing against DH and you guys make things more worse . U should open statistics to see that amazing balance -mage against Demon hunter win rate 1:9 … thanks guys nice path !!

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I wont cause the majority of the community is trash at this game and act like know it alls.

Couldn’t of said it better myself. If people cant see that mage is the most broken class in wild they clearly must not be playing at any respectable rank. Even odd DH has next to no chance vs mage.

Just stop! You are embracing yourself at this point.


this card doesn’t make any sense. It’s a legendary card but it’s so RNG dependandt that can be trash/god. I don’t get why they printed it, they could have made something better for elemental mage/kadgar mage.

this is literally how I lost many games against quest mage (not reno since they run duplicates).
By turn 3 you can draw 10 cards (if you have cards to draw) and still not have an answer to a 4 health minion, unfortunately.
Fun to notice that they printed a “2 mana, 1/3, when you cast a spell deal 1 damage to a random enemy minion”. 1 mana less, -1/-1 in stats, -1 damage and you can’t damage your opponent

When is the patch going live ?

Flamewaker is busted op. Always has been. But its wild so its ok I guess?

So …
<looks at clock>
<looks at calendar>
<looks at clock>
<looks at calendar>
… is it time?

About 40 more minutes pal.


woot. 7500 dust :crazy_face:

after 4 month, i can say: hl decks are killed, dqa never used - its a safe disenchant target.

Of course he has “infinite” value cards. He has no motor draw!! He has to keep his fuel some way while enemy players draws tons of cards. Blizzard removed all viable way to draw for priest in exchange of “infinite” value cards, that was the trade-off and everyone was ok with that, but , oh no, now, you are not. Bring back combo priests!!, the one they reworked because you cried a lot.