17.6 Balance Updates

I think they nerfed rogue for what they will possibly get in next expansion. Also 0 mana cards always tend to become a problem, I don’t understand why they always fail to see that. Just never print any cards that can make any card cost 0. The DQA nerf to dragons won’t even be that impactful, I personally play highlander priest and usually never play both dragons anyway. For classes like highlander hunter that are looking to kill you fast it might be a stronger nerf, but still a card you’d want to include and build around anyway.
All the nerfs were spot on in my opinion, if some players are hating on the nerfs is cause their class got hit, end of the story.

this was a popularity nerf not a balance one


I dont think so but unless we get something rly good my class is killed.

I like to play shaman but I am forced to stop playing now
watching priest with endless value and always 10 cards in hand is no fun either
something is a miss with HS

I just played the stupid “tempo” mage again. What a joke. It’s an auto lose to DH, It’s an auto lose to Hunter, Same with Warrior. If this is what passes for a viable deck in standard going forward, post nerf? Then consider mage dead. No one but the very best players can make the deck work and Blizzard clearly has no intentions of ever giving mage anything linear or powerful. Other classes get to play full synergy decks and mage gets to play: “if every single thing goes exactly right, and your opponent is terminally stupid, then you might be given a fraction of a chance that a random spell will win the game for you”. I hate the dev team. Hamsters could do better.

So you’re saying you’re playing some Tempo Mage deck, instead of the proven to be viable and proven to do well in the meta Highlander Deck? And if you really hate mage so much now, try a different class. What’s the point of having ten classes in the game if you only actually ever play one?

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I played the deck that others suggested as viable post nerf because some random player made legend with it. Highlander mage will be tier three or four once the nerf goes through imo.

Probably. It is still a pretty bonkers effect for 2 mana and having a dragon, given how good mage spells are.

Nerf to fungal fortunes seems unnecessary, nerf should have been bog beam to 1, for that deck.

DQA nerf probably kills my Highlander quest shaman, but that’s okay, I was more or less over it at this point (so close to legend tho).

Galakrond change actually buffs my wild Pogo Rogue (magic carpets), so that’s fun.

Now that would REALLY suck. Talk about tilting the HS player base.

I think the DQA nerf kills every HL deck or at least knocks them down a tier. Since all mage had was HL, and they effectively receive two nerfs, prepare for the class to suck.

Maybe not. With Galakrond Rogue knocked down you might see a more midrangey viable build. The class has a lot of good cards, but rogue has been shutting out all mid-range for a while cause nothing beats 7 zero cost cards.

I really wish they’d nerf some of hunter’s cards. All undercosted and overpowered, just as bad as DH was, and now even more so


I agree. Hunter, warrior, and priest are my picks for the most played classes after these “improvements”…

Fungal is still fine. It works perfectly well at 3 mana, with the main druid ramp card being a 4 drop.

I really like most of these nerfs, slowing the game a bit is always good, the only thing I personally wish they’d done is buffed dragoncasters stats a little to go with mana nerf, a 4/4 for 6 was bad but the spell was huge, with the spell being slightly less, making it a 5/5 or 6/6 seems like a fair trade-off so the minion is a little better to go with it’s tempo nerf.

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Exactly this.

I hate to play priests, but they are no where near overpowered or broken.

I disagree with the idea of buffing it’s statline. It’s essentially an infinitely better version of Inkmaster Solia already, since you can play two copies, it has a way easier activation requirement, it used to be cheaper, and you have access to much more impactful stuff now. And this is comparing a Rare card to a Legendary.

Inkmaster solia is a card that basically did see no play even during it’s time in standard. This is why dragoncaster exists.
Because inkmaster solia just failed to deliver what she was expected too.

With that said inkmaster solia should be deleted because an actually balanced version of it would be so frustrating to play against that would be just nuts.

Because it would basically read as:

4 mana
Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates your next spell cost 0.

And you would really want an even faster dragoncaster even if it was an legendary?


Well yeah, of course she didn’t see play, because as said she’s literally just an infinitely worse Dragoncaster, with way more deck building needing to be put into her than with Dragoncaster.

Well, considering Dragoncaster effectively had the not dupe rule as well in the most popular Mage deck, I would say Solias deck building restriction is a moot point.

Solia saw little to no play because Mage didnt have the big, high impact spells they do today. iirc Higlander Mage at the time was only running Flamestrike and Firelands Portal as its “big” spells, and Blizzard if you count that. The effect was nowhere near as appealing back then as it is today.

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