17.6 Balance Updates

Ok, as long as this line of text is also added:

“but not less than (1).”

And, yes, I do say and believe that in the vast majority of cases it should happen. That should be the norm for cost reductions, not the exception.

The card is 100% dead from the nerf. No card can survive a 4 mana nerf.

It would need a completely new from the ground up design, new Invoke and Battlecry.

It’s the second Galakrond archetype to die by excessive nerfs. And the second class where Blizzard put all of its power cards into a single archetype, killing it for the foreseeable future.

DoD as a whole was an enormous mistake in power creep, because if a class didn’t get a good archetype (and keep it after all the nerfs) in that expansion it’s screwed.

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Thats fine with me tbh. When every semi-competitive deck for the class is using the package, then it shows that it might be just a bit over the acceptable power level. Gala (obviously), secret, stealth, even highlander if you include it as semi-competitive, all running the package. That says something.

Which, to me, says the whole Gala concept was a failed one. Hero cards, yet again, cause problems. Especially when restricted to a handful of classes.

Both DoD and AoO were design failures imo. Hopefully they have something in the works that doesnt follow that same path.

That doesn’t make any sense.

Galakrond was the only standalone strong package Rogue got in YotD. What did you expect people were going to play? Thief Quest.

The other strong strategies needed YotR cards, and in any case all of those were either nerfed or powercreeped over by the time GA released in February.

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What about secret and stealth from AoO? These should be unique archetypes, yet even they are running Gala & Co. 'cos its simply too good not to include!

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Of course we don’t play wild. Some people don’t 10 straight games of OTK by turn 5.

I literally had to scroll to page 7 of the top decks on hsreplay to find the first Priest deck. Just because the deck beats your favorite deck doesn’t even remotely mean it’s a problem.

I think what you mean is that a particular DECK is dead from the Nerf. People who don’t play decks that rely on drawing 15 cards to do 20 damage on turn 11 aren’t really sweating 4 drawn cards costing (1) instead of (0)

If you aren’t cheating something in Hearthstone, you are not going to have a positive win rate.

Whether it’s card draw, stats, tempo, damage, healing, armor, or OTK; every deck is looking to cheat something out.

First, AoO is not part of YotD, so my statement is correct.

Second, no single deck in Hearthstone history since the first rotation relies on a single expansion’s worth of cards. You are placing a burden on Rogue that no other class could hope to meet, since Old Gods in 2016.

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My bad, read DoD for some reason. Apologies.

The fact they all include the same package doesnt ALLOW them to print stronger support for secret and stealth archetypes. All cards need to be balanced around the potential they have when costing 0, due to the Gala package.

This is know as, wait for it… DESIGN LIMITATION.

Consider also the timing of the nerf, just before the next set. Maybe something they have in store for that set is the cause of this last season nerf wave, for all affected cards (except maybe DH)?

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What’s bs is packs having less powerful cards but the cost remaining the same. There’s deliberate depreciation but the cost doesn’t go down with it.

How many times do I have to remind you and everyone else that Shaman is hot garbage, one set later after the Galakrond nerfs?

I even made sure to include it in my initial reply to you.

How am I supposed to trust Blizzard on Rogue after they shafted Shaman in AoO?

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How many time do I have to remind you that Galakrond package is limiting design space?

Reducing cards to (0) is so strong the package is used in Secret and Stealth decks.

Wait and see. We are currently in 17.4, this is a 17.6 patch. That means it wont happen until just before the new set launches. If the change makes Gala Rogue its own individual archetype, fine with me. If it means the package isnt run in ALL rogue decks, also fine with me.

You are again placing a burden on Rogue that’s never been achieved in a meta deck since Old Gods.

How would Galakrond Rogue be its own archetype without cards from other expansions if no deck has ever achieved this?

Seems like a straw man to me.

Galakrond is YotD. It rotates next year. If its restricting design of YotP decks (Secret & Stealth), which is definitely a possibility with such an absurd effect, then yes. Support THIS years themes at the expense of last years.

We dont know whats in store, all we know is the timing of this nerf wave is an anomaly which, to me, indicates its a preemptive nerf wave. IF thats the case, I prefer it to first week nerfs.

I’d also want it to say “won’t increase costs on cards” then too. No one wants to draw a 0 cost card and have it cost one or more.

“… but not less than (1)” covers that.

We may have gotten our wires crossed. I meant “not less than 1” to mean the lowest a card will get reduced to is 1. I’d still add “won’t increase the cost” somewhere so cards that already cost zero won’t be increased.