17.6 Balance Updates

Least proactive but most reactive. They have too many reactive options for removal/stall. I’d personally take just a single small hit to any of their removal cards.

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Yes but 75% of that deck is also 3 or less mana.

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You do realize decks have a skill floor and a cap. A deck can be easy to play on the surface, yet contain a lot of nuance.

I refuse to listen to you anymore. The only thing you have to add to any conversations on these forums is how skillbased the decks YOU play are, while complaining about everything else.

That’s just you projecting or strawmanning.

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There you go again vomiting words you don’t know the meaning of to try and win internet arguments. How am I projecting anything with that statement, it’s literally what you do.

I have never misrepresented anything you say, that’s just what you’re doing to me right now. If anyone is strawmanning it’s you.

But why am I even bothering? It’s impossible to argue with an idiot. Especially when they refuse to see their own hypocrisy.

Apparently I play everything and complain about everything else. Huh.

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Right there! You just strawmanned what I said. The thing you accuse me of doing, is what you just did! How can you not see that?

The difference is, I pretty much play every deck there is in the meta and even outside it. And that’s something unaffected by subjective opinion.


Struggling to understand why you insist on taking this convo down to a 10-yo’s level.


Mage still can cast zero cost cards. They nerfed the echo pally zero cost snip snap in the past, now rogue and DQA so only mage left.

I kinda wasted my dust on ancharr though. They should have nerfed that card instead of Corsair cache if that is a problem then I get my refund. So sad about indirect nerfs.

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Why aren’t prist cards nerfing ??? It’s very fun to look at the tricks from Anduina when one card finds the answer to your move ??? (Not, its fun/ It is ****t)


You are right. The Kayn nerf is pointless, much like the quest mage nerf.

Well I get full dust refund so I’m not complaining.

I think they should nerf it to 5 mana then at least we can use it in odd DH. Lol.

That’s the point. When so many of the cards cost less than 6 mana then suggesting they instead make it reduce the cost of the card by 6 mana is no different from keeping the effect the same.

I didn’t say specifically make it 6 as the end all suggestion. It can literally be any number they want and decide it to be. However the only big reason that making cards cost 0 is a problem is that it can make 9-10 cost cards free. If they want to control what cost of cards can become 0 then just make it a flat mana reduction of anywhere from 3-6 or something.


No point of playing Galakrond Rogue now, they nerfed it to oblivion.


thank you for making hs more less fun


Lol, what about priest needs a nerf?
Tier 3 or tier 4 deck?

What about nerf Druid cards with 0 cost? 5th turn and all board is full and 9-10 mana

Just run aggro - oh, wait ; they nerfed all aggro and tempo decks that aren’t warrior, ha ha ha …

Interesting theory, but in reality even making 1 cost cards free has the potential to break things. Its happened before, it can happen again. Making cards of any cost free is a ticking time bomb.

Sure but then you could say that all cards that reduce mana cost need to say (minimum of 1) like experimenter did. Just change the rogue galakrond to say reduce the cost by 3 or 5 or 7 or something. Setting the cost just makes expensive cards abusive like it has been and cheap cards useless.