17.6 Balance Updates

Control mage was tier 3 for quite awhile. Maybe you weren’t here then.

garbage changes nerf demon hunter and keep alex and dragoncaster how they were

Metamorphosis. Good nerf. Will still see play but slightly slows down DH ability to just KO you.

Kayn. This changes nothing to the card.

Warglaives. Good riddance this card is bananas. Slows it down a bit but I actually still think this sees play. Especially when discounted off skill of guldan.

Rogue. So they can only draw 3 0 cost cards now(6 If you shadowstep the Togg but I’ve seen that maybe once). Rogue is definitely not great but those 7 0 cost card swings were a bit toxic and likely there is some rogue support coming next xpac that would be exacerbated by gally drawing them at 0 cost.

Corsair. Small nerf but I don’t think it really addresses the issue with warrior currently. Skipper etc.

Dragoncaster. Yea I agree with most that mage is in a bad shape now. But box is again unfun to lose against.

DQA. This is actually a pretty significant nerf i think. I have played almost exclusively HL Hunter this xpac and I am considering cutting Alex now. Playing her on 9 is super slow with no follow up. Yes I have two 1 cost dragons on 10 but usually I want to do other things on 10.

I beleive the devs are looking alot at oppressive power plays when they make these nerfs.

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If that is the case then the fact that warrior was left virtually untouched and priest who has some of the most oppressive played had no changes is concerning.

And I crafted ancharr. Clearly a mistake cos I’m not able to get a full refund for it.

Agree. They should do something about priest. I still auto concede when I see them.

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Same (but i play in wild, i don’t know if you are cutting DQA from a standard deck)

I’m tempted to get more decks to find kayn and dust him.

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So no nerfs to Priest.
So no real nerfs to Warrior.
Destroy Roque.
Nerf Demon Hunter until is unplayable. By the way why you dont delete Demon Hunter instead? Just say we make a mistake, we delete him to create hm again from the beginning.
Also what about buffing any cards? From the new expansion until now you just nerf good cards. What about giving a boost to cards that are now bad?


On question (at blue):
When have you last seen a deck with a weapon in use that costs 6+ mana and how successfull was it?
Yep, the answer to that question is not shiny at all - well, there were only a very few weapons that had a powerlevel that entitled their mana cost (one specifically) - and I won’t get an answer either from you. It’s ok; was a pure rethoric one. :]

PS: Instead of nerfing cards to the ground, … just remove those cards, just remove them! ~hm?


Odd Demon Hunter spotted.

Salty DH tears are delicious A.F.

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I honestly don’t mind these changes in the short term, the key thing though is what they have in mind for these classes in the next expansion. However, I think Mage in particular will be near unplayable for the rest of this expansion. Hunter was already a really bad matchup, and I can guarantee these changes are going to push people towards playing Hunter more. Dragoncaster was one of the tools that helped give you a chance, it coming a turn later now is a huge deal.

I think Warrior will be affected more than people think, if these changes push Demon Hunters popularity right down. Then what is actually the appeal of playing the class? Especially if we see an uptick in play of aggro Hunter and Priest.

As for Demon Hunter, meh, I honestly wouldn’t care if the class is garbage for the rest of the expansion. They’ve dominated the meta despite several rounds of nerfs, so I think we could do with a few weeks without them. Hopefully next expansion the class will be at a reasonable power level.


I think some more nerfs to warrior were needed, by far my most hated class in standard.

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DH getting absolutely destroyed helps mage more than the 1 cost increase on dragoncaster nerfs them over.

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I want to remind you that Rez Priest and Warlock were at least Tier 2 but got nerfed to death. Albatross was such a good card in both decks and Sac Pac nerf was definitely not the right nerf if you want to contain DH…
So plz no more nerfs for those classes.

Priest is the big winner of this perhaps.


Expectations were low, but holy sh*t!
This doesn’t even warrant dust refunds.
This requires refunding all gold spent on packs.
Or, just the sacking of the dev team as a whole.

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I don’t get your point. When you open packs you get random cards, not this cards particularly. Nobody crafts commons, rares or epics (in most cases) to complete decks anymore. So you are full of bs.

Mages in wild use it for 0 mana Luna’s Pocket Galaxy to cycle 3-4 cards at a time for 1 mana while using Quest + Mage apprentice + Evocation and Time warp + Vargoth to OTK pretty easily or draw giants. I guess it’s not a big one though, since it’s basically a dupe of the (forgotten) Inkmaster Solia from Mean Streets that/s just the same effect but 1 mana bigger on a 1/1 bigger 5/5 7 mana body vs a -6 mana 4/4 body.

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