17.2.2 Client Patch

Mage > Rogue > Priest ? right ?

My avatar speaks for me :joy: Rogue is my fav class but I wanted to pick mage

Rogue is officially the best free deck for ladder hey, about the same dust value also.
You also get Kronx which is a great card :grimacing:

At least the UI bug has been fixed with the latest patch. Hopefully we’ll be able to redeem our free decks on the EU region soon, the wait has been torture for me…

2 weeks after the free deck bug & we still can’t claim our decks, feels terrible…

Please just reactivate this feature on EU, the UI bug is fixed. :confused:

Are they ever going to enable the free decks? I’ve been waiting for a looooong time to jump back into the game now.

And the doomerang card fix ? More than a month

EU error notification is gone! Just got my free deck now!

Go get your decks boys/girls!!! Woohoooo!

Will they be fixing the iOS crashing problems any time soon?

The game is unplayable on iOS right now.

This patch is so janky… T-Mobile connection problems. iOS crashes. If you play on iOS, you never get to use your mulligan because you already crashed while connecting to the game. They really didn’t do their homework on this one.

Please stop fooling around with 1- or 2- stat balance changes and fix the functionality of the game. Elaborate animations are only fun when you actually get to play. It’s absurd that a 2GB game requires more than 3GB of RAM to function. There is a memory leak somewhere in your game.