17.0.2 Balance Patch

dh warlock should not exist

No fix for mobile mana display issue? Do you even test on mobile before releasing?

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Nobodies talking about how they buffed Libram of Justice. Even if Pally still sucks after this, I have to appreciate that Blizz isn’t just thinking balance == nerfs.
Prediction: Pally will still suck

But I appreciate it nontheless


Nerfs are good but sac pact means warlock now loses to DH. That is a huge deal. Its probably enough but we will have to test it out. I still say DH was so op its still number 1 or 2 in winrate and will adapt to these changes.


I guess I just echo everyone’s comments that a quest mage will have to play 8 spells anyway to get their mana giants to zero, so it’s merely a cosmetic change.

Went onto the wild HSReplay top cards being played and they are mostly quest mage and odd DH. Odd DH got nerfed hard though, so only quest mage left.

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I dont fing care about DH Warlock. But it was the only hard counter to Quest mage. Now its gone, and Quest mage will explode again. The only thing i care about is that they fing kill Mechathun warlock


With Glaivebound Adept, I would have nerfed it to 4 Attack, instead of 6. But Blizzard thinks otherwise. Really, Blizzard? 6?

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Am I allowed to use 5 mana Libram of Justice to point out how terrible Equality is at 4 mana yet?


It may help players understand better the intention of these changes with some Designer’s Insights.


The worst nerf in history.

It’s lazy and dumb to JUST INCREASE MANA COST.
Nothing is fixed.
The meta will be almost the same as before.

The only difference is that DH will be stronger than ever before lol


What’s going to stop DH from just switching back to Priestess anyways? The only reason they started using Adept over her was because of the rise of Control Warlock


That likely wasn’t going to happen because of the very silly reason that replacing “enemies” with “enemy minions” would not fit well on the card


The Sunstrider “nerf” and the laughable pathetic change to Waygate prove what we have known forever: Blizzard jerks it to druid and mage daily.


I think I understand your intentions with this patch. You want to hurt Illidan’s feeling so he won’t feel like the favorite child of Team 5 anymore. You want to demoralize him so he will only win 60% of the time against all other decks that try to counter him specifically.

So when can we expect the 3rd round of DH nerfs and why didn’t you include them for 17.0.2?


You haven’t been playing Hearthstone long enough to understand how impactful mana nerfs are. We just saw it happen to Antaen. Went from being in every DH deck other than OTK, and now it’s in none.

Mage apologist, go get bent.

LMAO. Do you want a screenshot of me being in the top 300 player on NA?
I’m better at the game than you so keep quiet.
Know this game better than you.

I repeat : those nerfs are LAZY and USELESS.



Ok kid.

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Just for you <3.
h ttps://imgur.com/a/Vg963YQ

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I don’t understand these changes.

The DH nerfs should help rein in the class a bit - But also removing Sac Pact from their strongest(?) counter seems like a win overall for the DH.

The Albatross nerf seems pretty brutal, but it should boost most restricted decks, overall it probably deserved the nerf.

Buff to Libram, seems pretty whatever, not enough to really change paladin’s fate one way or the other.