16.2.4 Update Coming Tomorrow!

Dear Chris Sierra

Could you please announce such kind of small updates in the game as well? As it was really unexpected to know it in a game.

Best Wishes


Yeah, but juggler builds will still be very solid, and wrathweavers can still get huge. So it’s not like they’re done.

you kidding right? people running murlocs get the poison/shield/windfury on them are impossible to beat even with jugglars. when the got rid of corrupted almagam, they made murlocs way OP. and now with watchers unable to be built up to withstand high attacks.

Beasts and demons are the only ones you can not put divine shields on to protect against poison shielded murlocs.

Of course, getting that combo requires a tier five and tier six minion and even then a touch of luck.

Or you can just get tier three jugglers or Cobalts and have a much smoother ride to top four

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I suspect it will be F2P because every other game that has the relatively similar game mode is also F2P. They would be absolute fools to start charging. Since there is no F2P arena mode (which, of course, would have zero rewards), it would DEVASTATE the playerbase who get tired of regular Hearthstone and only earn ire towards Blizzard.

There can be some fairly shortsighted decisions on Blizzard’s part, especially in the past few years, but THIS is something they cannot afford to screw up by making Battlegrounds with an entry fee.

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A year ago I would have said zero chance Battlegrounds gets a entrance fee. Now though, I’m concerned come bean counter is looking at the number of Battlegrounds played per day and adding up what they would make if they charge 1.00 or 300 gold.

Hearthstone has never been so expensive to keep up with and despite revenue dropping 25% in the last year, I feel that is a better then even chance they just won’t be able to help themselves and start charging for Battlegrounds.

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soooo Galakrond’s battlecry no long work with shark???! Ive been playing and just noticed the galakrond’s battlecry isnt 2X

what patch will fix the issue where your game is no-skill RNG trash? let me know when that’s upcoming.

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