16.0.8 Balance Update - Coming This Week!

Resurrect Priest should’ve been nerfed. Now, everyone will start to play Resurrect Priest…


Are you really wondering why the newest (still in beta?) mode got the most changes? Really?

Is it really that hard to figure out?

Is it? Really?


why ? i dont understand what you mean

why do you think these nerfs will make that speficic deck better choice?

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It is very simple actually. Resurrect Priest was already a good deck before these nerfs. After these nerfs, rival decks(other tier 1 decks) are weaker now. So Resurrect Priest is at a much higher place in the meta. That is why we will see more Resurrect Priest.


I’d like to add that these are amazing nerfs. Not being afraid to change the meta too fast and fixing what makes this game boring in meta is amazing. They actually listened to the community and nerfed what was wrong.

I wholeheartedly welcome more balance patches on a more frequent basis if they turn out like this.


How about a rebalance that fixes the consistent and constant iOS crashes, so we can actually WIN again?


Or other decks which were being dominated by the nerfed ones will become more popular, some of which might actually be stronger against Resurrect Priest.

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I’m gonna bookmark this for two weeks post nerfs, so when Priest is broken I can come back and say yep, he was right.

You at least correct this muck with a patch so that this does not happen! Europe. Collection of decks at Arena. And today it was.

Welp, now that they’ve come out of their burrows and seen their shadow, I guess it’ll be another 3 weeks without a working iPad update. So much for “keep an eye on the patch notes”.

I don’t think so. Best deck that did not recieve a nerf except Priest is Face Hunter and it is terrible against Resurrect Priest.

Now Highlander mage will get stronger then ever before. Now whit annoying rush and overstats minions nerfed to the ground is easier to keep minions on board and snowball every turn.

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i would agree with the first 2 lines i would also make yogg cost 3[+1] just nerf the top 5 most picked heroes. they will be still playable after nerfs but not as rediclously picked every game same heroes. amalgam back is ok but i don’t think they can change the stats for constructed or only for bg. maybe tier 4 then. cobalt is also crazy broken need to either be removed completly or be tier 5. its a better skygolem on tier 3. its rediclous. they also forgot to buff raganaros not just patches. also i have an idea for gallywix buff. instead of 1 cost to give 1 coin which is basicly useless. strikly worse then rafaam hero power lol. then he should be a coin saver hero right. so maybe instead make him. sell units for 2 gold instead of 1. i think that would make him good and playable hero.

Ever think of wild? all these decks are likely unplayable now. terrible nerfs.

I think that it would be nice if the change on the Dragonqueen Alexstrasza card showed on its text:
Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, add 2 other random Dragons to your hand. They cost (0).

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Warrior got nerfed with two autoincludes and Highlander gets slightly tuned with DQ Alex. I think it’s fair to say some Wild decks got nerfed.

Dragonqueen not able to dupe herself thats fine by me, i still get 2 dragons for free so the value of the card has not changed. I get her 50% of the time from my bronze explorer anyway. With Sathrovarr and Brewmaster in my deck anyway i can still swarm the board. Enjoy that Galakrond nerf , my class doesn’t have him nor need it anyway.

On it’s own it doesn’t sound bad but looking at +8 damage vs +3 health for the same cost just makes it sound terrible. Especially in a meta that sees deathrattle comps doing really well just having a beast and a mech means a 33% increase to comparative value. Even a regular mech comp with a hydra thrown up front becomes far better with one hero versus the other…
What I really want to know: Why is Megasaur still in BG? It seems like if the previous nerfs hadn’t gone through and they just removed that one card it would have made everything way more balanced. Instead it’s now a comp that most people refuse to play and those who do are just flipping a coin between definitely dying early and extremely difficult to beat without facing Nefarian with the exact same comp.

Because Instead of throwing BG into the garbage can like the trash gamemode it is. Blizzard decides to double down and make something out of nothing. And in the process ruining HS.

Trash company, trash game mode and now trash game.

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No ladder matchmaking fixes again. Seriously?