Welcome to the Year of the Raptor

Welcome to the Year of the Raptor

See what’s in store for Hearthstone’s upcoming year, starting soon!

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Wild reverts. Welcome back my little photographer! <3

i hope they dont revert tony i like this one more

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Will we finally get the battleground season pass rewards and not pay for nothing anymore? Starcraft or not, it would be nice to not hide half the battle pass for most of the season!


I feel like with this communication and the roadmap reveal, HS might finally be turning the corner. We need good sets with good interactivity, and a return to board based play. I hope that’s what I get to enjoy this year.


Oh god yes, Steamcleaner coming back, finally something to shut down asteroid shenanigans and amalgam/zilliax

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Holy sh1t! You really massacred the neutral Core cards. I know, good neutral cards means less new cards needed, but have a little bit of decorum :man_facepalming:

Patch 32.4:

  • Next expansion kick-off, reveals, and pre-purchase period begins
  • Pets introduced

Can anyone give me insight on what pets are meant to be? Or is this pets in BG?

I was checking the patch notes to see when the next tweak to BG was happening, and could only find the next season announcement via patch releases.

i love you blizz, dont listen to haters

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Steamcleaner back just in time for Plagues to rotate out. At least we can keep him around to deal with Asteroids and Fizzle.

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Welcome to the Worst Core Set of All Time!

See what’s in store for Hearthstone’s upcoming fiscal year, starting soon!

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You wouldn’t use steam cleaner for fizzle.

But also unless there is a new unneeded etc band Manager type card, I don’t see steam cleaner being a normal deck occurrence for just the tech against Meteor Shaman.

He isn’t tradable like a handful of tech cards are.

I am really sad… no support for Libram Paladin to be playable in standard finally? Why did they create these strategies if they let them die so early? Without the weapon draw it will be even more weak… and Handbuff will dissapear too, it will lose a lot of important cards, only the weapon will stay and some core cards. I have to really play Wild to be able use Librams? Why are they waisting their time to plan new, old strategies if they don’t get any support?

I find it anti-synergy for Marketing. It’s a kind of spoiler. They probably try to copy Disney revealing franchises like Marvel’s but those movies were successful despite of spoiling a roadmap.

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Mainly because the decks it can affect are not important in the meta. Incindius is probably the only card still considered strong in that category but it’s only a few very slow decks using it very well.

Unless they release new packages that generate cards of that sort I expect Steamcleaner to be a weak inclusion especially in faster decks.

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I thought fizz was also rotating?


Nobody asked for pets. Would rather have solo adventures than pets. Or literally anything else.


My first thought was plague dk but I forgot that’s rotating. Asteroid is definitely still a good target for this though

Asteroids and anything that cycles or gets shuffled into the deck when killed as both of those count as not starting in the deck

Now just bring back Platebreaker…

And smothering starfish and we good to go.