Welcome to the Year of the Raptor

oh look a bootlicker.

Some of u just hate blizz to hate blizz. I hate blizz because they nerf rogue and buff shaman, u hate blizz for stupid reasons kid

Ugh… I dunno, that trailer — I suppose a sign of diminishing quality: couldn’t they get a decent singer (like an actual vocalist) for it like they used to? For instance, the one doing the Gilnean girl part (and maybe also the lines for the Costumed Singer, but I’m not sure)? Or are we supposed to be thankful it’s not a complete ‘Tamsin Roame’ for a lead ‘singer’? :rofl:

As for the text — a lot of grandiose words from Tyler Bielman et al, but we’ve seen that before, while the implementation of their supposedly amazing ideas has been… lacking.

Oh, by the way, as for so-called ‘e-sports’, if anyone cares about it at all (I personally don’t, for me it’s only a sign of their work quality) — again, an ‘announcement of an announcement’, as Stonekeep would put it.


PS Read the list of Core cards… Yay for the Wisp.

Lmao. Play the class solely for a few years and say that. You wont.

Shaman has a single ostentatiosly broken card in its entirety, Shudderwock. And that has zero impact on you because youre a standard sweat.

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Another sheety update. Devs have abbandoned BG part of hearthstone. Instead of fixing bugs and improving current meta they are creating cosmetics for Chinese donators. Road map also sucks because of lack of BG content.

After Microsoft have bought Blizz their BG branch became sheety unit that works for internal KPIs instead of having community feedback.


It’s funny. I got a poll asking me about pets a while back. I flamed them in the questionnaire about it. They’re going to do what they’re going to do regardless if it means more cash for doing absolutely nothing so I don’t know why they bother asking how we feel about anything

It should have been a whole separate game in the first place. An idea that they shoehorned into hearthstone for some reason that I still don’t understand. It always felt like they were just dividing resources instead of focusing on what hearthstone is supposed to be. A CCG based on Warcraft

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That could also be said about other alternate modes like Mercenaries… although there’s not much left there.

What is there not to understand?

BGs started, AFAIK, as an experimental idea, a spin-off from a certain encounter in solo adventures, but turned out hugely successful and popular — perhaps more so than actual HS itself.

Having those two different products in a single bundle apparently is a huge advertising factor: those who are only interested in one mode are also given the other, with the possibility that they might want to or are even enticed to (via some ‘quests’, for example) try something else.

Perhaps it’s illustrated best by the following analogy: you know how certain software vendors pay OEMs to preinstall trial versions of their crudware, bloatware and adware on their devices? That’s more or less the same deal here. Perhaps popular, fun to many and F2P BGs used to carry dull P2W traditional HS, which was losing popularity — who knows, they don’t publish data about it.

You’re forgetting that their objective is not to make the best or most refined product, as per the KISS principle — it is to make more money, just like any other commercial enterprise.