14 Nerfs and 14 Buffs incoming

It’s for non-Rogue classes playing their class cards.

So before, with the Tourist, you would play Mage or Paladin as your main, but have those 2 cards. When you played those 2 cards, Non-Rogue cards is much stronger than “From another class” since your main class was Mage or Paladin.

Long story short, as Mage, Conman would replay your last Mage card. Now it will play your last non-Mage card.


You made quite a long post for something so simple.
All needs to be said is that the card is dead as it was prior to the buff.

BSM lasted more than i expected thats a win in my book , my only solace is that it brings down Paladin decks along with it.

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well yeah, I could have said “the card is dead” but he wanted the details on the difference. Sometimes I do get too thorough in explanations. Bad habit of mine.

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Has BSM even tried to run the 7 cost board of nagas spell or the 8 cost fill your hand with fire spells? I dont think the deck is as dead as you guys make it sound. Conman was so powerful before it overshadowed the other big spells mage could be playing in those decks

The whole point of making it “non-Rogue” was to use it with tourists. They never used that wording before and “another class” has always been enough for burgle rogue before.

It was entirely intentional and not overpowered (once they put back Tsunami to 3 elementals anyway).

So what was broken?

If anything i think i went too easy on the description, just “dead” seems too soft.

Reduced to a state of non existent apathy is more accurate, and apathy is worse than death because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects.

My prediction is that BSM has a low playrate because nerfs and new stuff, but the deck still has a positive winrate and those other neglected big spells prove to be worth running.

In BSM yes it was clearly the best card which won games based of redundancy. It has the highest drawn impact of any card in the deck since the skyla nerf.

In palidan not so much, but it was still very powerful to copy the best legendaries in the deck and propped those decks winrates up by makong it hard to deal with things like pipsi with silence or hex effects.

The nerf was warrented. It was always bad in rogue because historically burgle cards are almost always bad. Especially when they work like they should.

Why? Starships encourage a slower, more brainpower required matchup (e.g, do I launch now or wait? Do I want to run a card like Kil’Jaden or skip it for early game protection? etc). Reno (primarily, I know there’s still plenty of strong counter options guys) turned that into a free win.

You had to go under reno decks. Now you have the option to go through them, letting other slow strategies shine.

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The cost will return to the original 8? If remain 10 manas this way will be the crapiest card ever made in HS.

With all respect.

People need to stop being so against banning cards so we don’t actively end nerfing cards 100% out of any usability on any format.

Cards like reno prove that it really isn’t about powerlevel sometimes and that those situations are better solved just doing what needs to be done.

Oh, you’re gonna go through a Reno deck alright if your lucky enough to to find someone still playing one.

Your gonna bull doze that Reno player :laughing:

Reno is powerful, but for 10 manas and no duplicates requirement was perfectly fine, no more nerfs required.

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The funny thing is that at high legend it was losing to basically everything in the days leading up to the nerf. Orb BSM was pretty much the only thing it was good against

It was just this expansion’s day 1 tribal deck that’s jokingly easy to refine and farms everything until the real meta settles.

It was going to die off on its own, blizz just gave it a shove.

Yeah, when I saw both I knew it was going to be a revert. Orb BSM is also fully deleted unless you want to try the pally tourist version Schyla and I were working on before Skyla launched.

It doesn’t do this. Mage has no other good big spells. You can’t run supernova because it shares a cost with tsunami now that tsunami got reverted. So the best play is still star power + tsunami + sunset and orb.

But now you hope to repeat orbs with pupil or the duplicator robot instead of Conman.

All this did was make the deck have no early or mid game power, and the late game is no longer good enough with tsunami nerfed to compensate.

The entire idea of BSM is likely dead for the next year as sunset is rotating soon too.

At most you’ll still see decks using watercolor to get turn 5/6 tsunamis.

But hey, now Conman and shill are dead cards in 3 classes!

Instead of just one!

I think getting the perfect outcome on orb is severely overrated. As long as it clears the board, pings the enemy for 10 and develops a board for you… you are still going to get incredible value

Mage and pali tourist still get to run both coin generators making them more valuable than half of the other tourists in the game.

Shill and conman are burgle cards and burgle cards are often bad. Especially before showdown and excavate stuff came into play. Make them better for rogue, the class they are made for if you want them to be playable. Changing them to cheat put or replay cards you run in your deck made them too consistent and too powerful in a way they never should have been used

Me too, my reno/earthen paladin was my most played deck of this expansion. Can’t say a nerf to Conman was undeserving but I was hoping for a mana nerf. As for Reno, I’ll keep using him but he really should be costing less now.

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Sure, they are just among the worst burgle cards blizz has given rogue.

Years ago they got contraband stash for 5 Mana that replayed 5 cards from other classes.

It was dumb to make burgle synergy in pip because pally and mage can’t even do it, and the only card in that set that generated cards are 1 cost and you’d never use either shill or Conman with them

They should have just changed Conman to repeat the last card from your class so rogue could also use it, and the card would have still been fine.

Aldi, orb needs to do way more than board clear and sunset considering you spend the entire game building up to it, and 10 damage after having no real pressure all game is uhh… Bad.

No they shouldn’t have. When they work with cards you already run in your deck they are too powerful and offer too much redundancy.

Burgle cards historically have been weak besides a few outliers. Since showdown and excavate they have started to be more consistently better sure. If you want shill and conman to be better, make them better birgle cards for rogue is what i said in the rest of what you quoted.

There will always be cards that dont see play. Saying conman and shill are unplayable is a strawman argument

I think its funny how you guys tried to downplay how good conman was in BSM when I pointed it out why it was the best card in the deck. Now that its been nerfed its apparently the lynch pin that made the deck playable xD

There are plenty of cards that dont work well for other classes via tourists. It doesnt need to be useful to mage or palidan. Like i said, both classes still will get use out of the coin generators for rogue, which is more value than half of the tourist get.

You want more value for bsm? Supernova is staring you right in the face. 1 mana fire spells are kinda crazy. Play that card. Your orbs will be fine even if they dont hit tsunami. The supposed downside of supernova doesnt outweigh its strengths it gives to the deck.

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I think everyone is missing the greatest injustice ever perpetrated in hearthstone history… at a 4/4 deal 4 lamplighter is now just a powercrept fire elemental.

Buff fire elemental!

Its pretty good in no minion mage… which is pretty much what BSM is now with all the nerfs.

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