14 Nerfs and 14 Buffs incoming

Agreed tbh. But it’s a new card so not what they set out to do with this patch I guess lol


Yeah, only a matter of time before Oracle gets nerfed.

It only escaped nerfs this time as they are clearly targeting other cards like Quasar, etc.

Oracle gets nerfed in the future for absolute certainty. It’s just a matter of time.


Yes I second or third this, Oracle is an outrageous card and the tutoring it enables is next level.

Needs a solid nerf and it’s a glaring oversight in this list to be sure.


They likely want to push more people into playing Asteroid decks, etc. The card draw is way too good.

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Yea we can compare it directly against the brochure card from druid which costs four mana and tutors 2 spells with 1 mana discount. Assuming a decent mana cost for touring 2 spells is then 2 mana, that means Oracle body plus spell damage costs 1 mana!

Insanely power crept.

The closest existing cards in standard would be 1 mana 3/2 spell damage minion overload 1 mana, and the brochure for 4 mana, which is at a minimum effectively 4 mana due to the overload, but considering you can’t cast brochure without the total mana it requires at least 5 mana.

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Yeah, it needs a good nerfing to only draw 1 spell or remove the spell damage. It can’t have 2 draw on that body.


Honestly, it feels like they’re allowing neutrals to be broken on purpose, because those are neutrals and thus, available to all classes.

It’s easier to balance the game if you keep the class cards under check while allowing the neutrals to be strong and dominate. That way, when you really need a quick “balance fix” in the future, you just tune the neutral and problem solved.

That way you also force the switches between the strongest decks and other decks; first, the decks which utilize the neutrals the best, are the best, while other decks suffer, and then when the neutral gets nerfed, the story reverses, and people are happy.

So hydraton station not being touched nor unkiliax control warror wallet for the win! And enjoy your starships meh. thanks for the half legendary with the quasar one though maybe I’ll craft the buffed ship for rogue and then cry cus burgle playstyle is horrible for the class.

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Yea it just feels bad when they crank out 50+ damage. My concern is they tack on ceasless expanse to their wombo combo to deal with starships and its frustrating. The deck is dependent on how sleep under the stars is changed too

To be fair libram palidan will probably be the one of the top decks after the changes and should be the one to be concerned about. I dont think any class has an efficient way to deal with 3 3/3 minions with divine shield. They are almost guaranteed to get value trades.



Yep, I remember crafting that Reska when I was returning to standard, for example… E.g. DK deck-building 'pro' tips wanted .

PS Oh, and got a Quasar from some of those packs… not bad, I suppose.

You don’t get it. :grinning: Apparently, it has a high ‘skill cap’ (of drawing right cards… Btw, Stonekeep wrote [1] a decent analysis of it, I think)… of drawing right cards or just losing… And you hev cOgNiTiVe BiAs and a skill issue, apparently. :rofl:

[1] For example:


Probably the most notorious new deck isQuasar Rogue. I say notorious because I can’t say strong. It’s a Tier 3-4 deck, but I would still expect it to get nuked. Why? Because it’s just so incredibly unfun to face. The deck is a complete hit or miss – you either beat them by Turn 5-6 with no effort because they didn’t draw the right cards, or they pop-off in the mid-game, draw their entire deck in one turn, and kill you from hand. Luckily it’s no longer as popular as it was on the first days of the expansion (the excitement quickly wore off for most players) but I think that Quasar is a broken card on a fundamental level. I know you might disagree, but in my opinion the game would be much better off without cards like that.


Pipsi Paladin is the real meta tyrant (well, one of) — has been since it was released, probably always (that is, until it rotates out of the format) will be.

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Nerf Predictions:

  • Most nerfs will be simple mana increases.
  • Sleep Under Stars: Refreshes only 2 mana crystals and increased to 8.
  • Mystery Egg reduces cost of beast by 2.
  • Magma Drink no longer hits face.
  • Reno only clears MINIONS, can’t clear locations/starships/Sargeras portal. Board limit for 1 turn effect is removed.

If i had cent for every post that told me a “1mana nerf will change nothing” and it ended up killing the card i would have a big enough bag to give a concussion to the real Frog named Hazama.

And it takes a huge object to crack that thick skull, like massive.


:rofl: Poor frog, have you no pity? :frog:


Is this tomorrow?

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Unkilliax dodging nerfs like a pro. that was such an easy to nerf card i am simply shocked they think that’s okay to remain as is.

I’m going to go with others that Magma is minions only as it probably should have been. It hurts both shaman decks but leaves it available to DK with the easy to call Threads nerf which surely goes to 3.

My first thought on the buffs is Meh. I don’t see how any of that changes the meta and makes them more playable. Game probably slows down a tad but i see nothing new emerging.

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We weren’t exactly complaining about Starships being so easy to counter, but Blizzard wants to shove them, space rocks, and draenei down our throats. Nerfing Reno (natural counter to Starships) makes sense. Hope you guys enjoy games with people gaining gobs of armor or having Reska stealing your Starships :smiley:

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wasnt the egg buffed ? im expecting a revert


they nerfed that card months ago read hydration station youll notice a difference from release version

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Yeah it used to cost 5. Putting it to 4 and reducing by 3 was a bit much. I can 100% see reduction to 2 being a better balance but keep it coming out on 4. This is most likely a change just to keep the Breakfast deck in check since it’s not exactly a meta powerhouse ATM.

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I’m definitely going to abuse this after the patch. Making whales cry over their spent money is so satisfying. Together with Yogg, the two titans can wreak havoc multiple times with Priest.

I remember creating a post a year ago to nerf Reno and have a true duel instead. Let’s see if we can finally get it. But they might also do an early retire.

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