14 Nerfs and 14 Buffs incoming

Reno again? How they will nerf him? Make 11 manas and require a coin or the 2 manas mech to play?

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Only got nerf so blizzard could sell the new junk cards they printed.

But of course you’re delusional enough to take anything out of context.

As for BSM. It is probably time to try a draenei list.


Yea sure its the conspiracy theory and not the answer thats backed by data sure. Who is delusional here?


If they really did anything backed by data then why almost every meta viable old card is there?

The data is only clear at one point. New cards suck.


I mean, if your goal was to simply delete that portion of people’s collections… Congrats?

Big spell mage was fine. It is getting nerfed to the point of deletion for the crime of being better than the weak cards in this set.

If they revert Conman and shill, they go back to being cards literally no one plays.


BSM really isn’t anywhere near as scary with the 8-mana version of Tsunami.

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They should have left tsunami at 4 minions and reverted Conman instead of that change.

Conman was never playable in rogue, the class it was made for, along with most of the other burgle cards that came out alongside of it. Why not make it better for rogue instead of exclusively for the other classes that had access to it…

I dont want any card to be unplayable, but the way it worked in those classes was not healthy either.

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It’s not, and it’s going to be not even worth mentioning if they lose both Conman and sea shill.

Deck will be competitively dead, along with the entire idea of using tsunami or the projection orb.

But oh no! Conman was the best card in a reasonable deck! Kill it!

If lucky, the change will just be a mana nerf rather than actually deleting cards from the deck like a rework is. (But since both are on there, I’m not particularly hopeful)

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This is the patch that should of been released when the new cards were released.

Overall looks like a decent patch.

Here are my thoughts:

EMG obviously needed to be hit hard, I hope they did. Very janky playstyle that was either underwhelming or broken good depending on your Mulligan.

Nostalgia is a disgusting card, it can reset boards, mana cheat for tens of mana easily, and just force every board ever to be wiped else face a game ending threat. It also periodically randomly gives the shaman a win condition. It’s a card that should never be in standard period. I hope it goes up to 8 mana.

Reno and reska are awful, but I’d like to see the gnome and yogg also be taken care of. Perhaps mind control can not work through taunts? That is if there is a taunt minion on board you can’t take other’s? I dunno, kind control is an awful mechanic and is one of the reasons priest is hated ubiquitously as a class since classic. Just get rid of mind control and replace with control for one turn only or something. Reno should just be removed from the game, there is no healthy game that has him in play.

I can’t speak to any of the buffs they all look like unknown cards to me.

Afaict this nerfs hits most decks, except odyn warrior, which is already arguably tier 1. So I hope they realize this.

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It hits sleep under the stars which is a major odyn swing card. Not sure if the armor or mana gets hit, but it could hurt it.

Remember that odyn is mainly farming ele mage and quasar rogue, both of which get hit here.

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AFAIK quasar rogue and elemental mage are basically unplayable in the meta currently.

It’s typically EMG rogue and BSM.

Odyn warrior mainly counters nostalgia shaman which is a terrible deck to be in the meta, probably more egregious than odyn warrior. That is, I’m not sure how much you enjoy losing to your opponent highroll a board of 8/8s turn 4 or 5 because you didn’t happens to draw your early clear, but that’s usually game right there.

True about the sleep under the stars. If they don’t hit the armor gain on it it will still be very strong for warrior.

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Finally a Reska nerf, that’s welcome

But I’m very confused about Magma nerf, lol

How do you even nerf that? 3 mana deal 1? …



I’d be shocked if it wasn’t +1 cost on both, with the dev note “we just want to slow it down a little.”

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No, its one of the easiest APM Decks ever.

Yes. The only reason it is lower than 50% Overall WR.

If you have the perfekt Draw, you can Beat nearly every Deck in Standard really easy.

I like to play it, because i like playing APM Decks, but i think, the Nerf is good, because its super toxic to lose against it, no matter of the WR.


The otk potential of odyn is pretty outrageous.

I dont particularly want to see sonya nerfed, i enjoy playing her, but I would be okay with it being nerfed alongside Odyn for the sake of lowering the outrageous damage potential from hand they both create.

Odyn is more offensive to me because warrior has so many control tools that rogue does not. Plus the swing of gaining armor and dealing damage is obnoxious. Gaining 5 armor and dealing 5 damage is a 10 point swing

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It absolutely is one of the main problems in shaman decks right now. That card is nuts with the amount of spell damage they introduced, oracle in particular. Oracle + magma is Spell Damage +1 2/3 Draw 2 deal 2 to all enemies for 5 mana. Absolutely cracked.

Maybe they change it to not scale with spell damage? 3 mana is a huge nerf.

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I think it’s power comes from having three copies of it, it can easily be combined with spell damage when needed or hit for 1 when you don’t.

If they reduce the count to 2 instead of 3 would be a solid nerf.


So nerf Oracle!!! It’s literally in every deck!!

Doesn’t sound right, would be too creative and too distinct from anything we’ve seen before. It has to be 3 mana xd it IS a drink, which kinda should be valued more as it holds 3 stacks, kinda like Warlock’s drink costs 3 mana to deal 3 dmg with lifesteal


Yes, I think that would be OK, but I don’t think they’ll go with that, because every drink holds 3 stacks, why make it a black sheep?

Unfortunately, it’s a 3 mana deal 1 AoE xD

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I’m 99.9% sure it’s going to not go face.

Yeah, I think it’s just a mana nerf.

Odyn Warrior is just a Tier 2 deck, and since it mainly picks up a higher win rate from farming Elemental Mage and Quasar Rogue, it really doesn’t need a nerf …yet. I think the nerfing of the decks it farms shoots it back down to a Tier 3 deck.

Starships are good against Odyn Warrior and they want those decks to see more play.


doubt they change one(or even two) drink cards from having 3 uses to 2, ruins the “drink” concept they made

however you can remove the face damage so that it fights for board but doesn’t go face, this is a minor nerf but doesn’t kill it by pushing it to 3mana