30.2.2 Patch Notes

30.2.2 Patch Notes

Patch 30.2.2 brings balance changes to Standard, Wild, and Battlegrounds!

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Decent buffs, but rogue buffs seem pretty weak, wont see it make any difference.

You guys ever going to fix the bug on High Sierra Macs (and likely older) that keep the client from starting?

The bug: No matter if you have the game in full screen or a window it fails to start and ends without an error message. The battle.net client then shows the game updating for a second or two (which is just writing out the error stuff).

Workaround: Start the game (while set to be fullscreen), switch to a different full screen app. Wait a second or two, then switch back to the game. The game gets focus but the current application stays on screen. The client then throws a “beep” error and starts in full screen with a menu bar and focus switches to the game which works fine. No, deleting the client and re-installing doesn’t fix.

What’s wrong? You guys are using the wrong method for initializing full screen mode on older versions of OSX with the unity game engine. This is a known issue, please look it up as this bug in the hearthstone client has existed now for a couple of years.

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is this a joke? you ruined the single most iconic combo card in the game and one of the most iconic classic cards of all time to nerf a TIER 3 WILD DECK with absolutely no presence in a meta COMPLETELY OVERRUN BY AGGRO. pirate demon hunter is literally FIVE PERCENT HIGHER IN WIN RATE THAN THE NEXT HIGHEST DECK. i have played this game for TEN YEARS and i am consistently astounded by the complete, unambiguous incompetence that the hearthstone balance team displays whenever they are balancing wild or nerfing combo decks.
i could not be more upset, disappointed, and genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, sad. it honest-to-god breaks my heart every time this happens and i know there are so many passionate players out there that feel the same way every time they see the unique and high-execution decks they love get butchered time and time again even when they dont affect the meta in any way.
immediately after reading this change my best friend (whos played for about eight years) and i immediately downloaded mtg arena and are excited to play a game together where the devs actually consider the input of the people playing the deck before they ruin it, where tier 3 decks arent nerfed for not being “fun” enough. i cannot invest more time into a game that is going to consistently crush my soul with balance changes explicitly targeting (and usually ruining) combo decks that arent even good.


The Devs have all the data unlike you. Where do you get your data; VS/hsguru/hsreplay I guess; all completely biased and incomplete compared to the Devs having ALL the games logged in minute detail.

By the way that deck is just obnoxious to play; extremely uneven Draw Impact stats; i.e. if the first 2-3 draws aren’t on the “good half” of the deck you’re done.

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You nerfed a time warp, now you nerfing again time warp deck that runs Sorcerer’s Apprentice. 0/10

Mage hate much?

Skill issue.

unnerf time warp.

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okay? then leave pirate demon hunter, i dont care. i care about the fact that blizzard has ruined one of the most beloved cards in the entire game and consistently nerfs any combo deck or apm deck that makes them slightly uncomfortable without ever considering how the people playing the deck feel.

also, hs replay is technically incomplete but it is not biased, thats ridiculous. it is objective statistics taken directly from real players and the most played decks recorded on the site usually have a sample size that is statistically significant. so you’re wrong on that too.


this is a huge writeup i did on reddit prior to the details of the nerf being announced. please, for the love of all that is good and holy in this world PLEASE let someone on the balance team read this. you have an entire community of players that is completely unrepresented by your balance philosophy and we are dying with every unnecessary nerf.

imagine hating your player base so much that you nerf one of the most beloved original cards in the history of the game to hit a tier 3 deck that barely anyone is even playing. i cannot comprehend how it is possible for anyone who actually consistently plays wild to come to the conclusion that apprentice needs a hit right now and not

-Demon Seed

lets not also forget that any mage deck running apprentice gets immediately shut down by spell tax cards like Neophyte and Loatheb, hand disruption like Dirty Rat, Ice Block, and p much any other anti-combo card.

blizzard prints all these amazing cards for combo/tempo players and then when people who have never played another card game in their life and never run any tech cards start complaining that every match isnt turn 1 play minion turn 2 play minion etc. meanwhile the thoughts and opinions of the people who enjoy playing combo/tempo decks that reward you for playing exceptionally well are discarded by the dev team every single time without fail.

if blizzard nerfs apprentice to not discount below one they will be making a statement to the entirety of the hearthstone community that no matter how hard you have to practice to make it work, no matter how high the barrier of execution is, no matter how low the winrate is, no matter how minuscule the percentage of the meta it takes up is, if blizzard and the tiny fraction of the games player base that whines and moans every season about whatever deck they think is “breaking the rules” decides that your deck just isnt “fun” enough to play against that it will be nerfed to the point of nonexistence. no nuance, no input from the thousands of people that have dedicated so many hours of their time to experimenting with different combos who genuinely love the experience of learning all the different intricacies that go into a good combo deck and seeing themselves get better and better at executing huge strings of cards, reacting to whats being generated to decide the optimal way to continue comboing.

none of these people matter to the hearthstone balance team. i dont matter to the hearthstone balance team. based on the fact that any time ive tried to defend combo decks on any major fansite ive been spammed with dislikes and people claiming that “X combo deck is degenerative to the format” (even when barely anyone is even playing it), it feels like none of us matter to the community in general. i know its not true, that its just the minority of people that engage with the community and theres plenty of people out there that love playing combo decks or at least understand the importance of their existence, but it is so hard to not feel like im in a hostile environment playing this game where every creative new combo idea is treated like a cancerous tumor that has to be excised by the developer even when the amount of people playing the combo make it essentially completely nonexistent in the meta. i didnt even know this new apprentice deck existed until blizzard announced they were nerfing it.

please, for the love of god, put one single person on the balance team that actually plays wild. better yet, someone that actually plays combo decks. i am so tired of watching any interesting combo idea that isnt some 7 card MarkMcKz pile of poop get immediately discredited as “degenerate” and nerfed to the point of nonexistence. if this nerf goes through the way its expected to, the classic exodia combo will be gone forever along with so many other non-overpowered, non-meta decks that reward players for their experience, creativity and execution.

call me autistic for caring this much, whatever, but my heart completely genuinely breaks at the thought of all the years of different apprentice decks being banished to the void for the crime of being “bad for the format” despite not affecting the meta in the slightest or being “bad to play against” despite the fact that theres plenty of options to completely shut down someones combo as well as the fact that theres plenty of aggro and control decks that everyone is fine with existing that are also objectively bad to play against that are ALSO much harder to shut down than combo decks, especially ones like apprentice decks where something as simple as a Cult Neophyte can be enough to delay the combo significantly.

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This devs team is a joke. What competitive optons rogue will have now? Rogue’s best and most fun deck gets obliterated without any decent compensation. Rogue tourist is trash and will be trash after this buff. Only viable option for rogue is excavation once again. You know its insanely “fun” to play same deck for months.

It’s not biased out of malice. They have data only from the clients of players who choose to opt-in to give their data and then they have subjective ways to filter the results in their opinion.

Only the Devs have all the games recorded.


i’m happy for all the changes they all seem good. the wild changes are welcome to me. sorcerer’s apprentice duplicated 4 or 5 times was toxic as hell with the draw your whole deck hack the game to turn off animations and infinite your opponent to death playstyle.

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neutral pirates NEED a nerf in wild, if the gnoll 3/5 turn 1 is a problem pirates is the apocalipyse.

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When using an iPhone here is my issues:

I have to screen shot the trinkets on my phone to read them. Why doesn’t is blow up when I touch them?

blood diamonds don’t show your partner’s buffed stats on the blood diamond card during the tavern. It only shows during combat.

Animations are still way to slow on a phone and turns beyond 8 require you to close the app and restart to skip battle to avoid not having enough time in the tavern.

Please fix these obvious issues

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I agree with that, would like to see treasure distributor go back to only giving other minions +1 Attack instead of itself.

Or if they want to keep the greedy pirate theme maybe make it give EITHER itself or the other pirate +1 randomly.

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Quest Pain Warlock still untouched. What a joke


don’t forget radiant elemental for next time around blizz :slight_smile:
if you give it the same nerf as sorceress apprentice, wild will be healthier

And I wouldn’t mind giants cost being rescaled but unnable to be reduced below 1 mana aswell.

they just nerfed molten giant a few patches ago and they nerfed imprisoned horror a while ago too. i like quest pain warlock it’s fun.

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agreed nerf radiant elemental the same way sorc app was


Not just iPhone. It has been getting worse and worse on mobile, I already couldn’t read hero power details, the trinkets are worse. Had to find the magnifying glass app on my android to play BG at all now.

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Another HS patch, still no fixes to the absurd amount of Battlegrounds and spectating crashing