30.2.2 Patch Notes

havent seena deck with radiant elemental in months … mage one with apprentice …daily

Best wild changes in a while. Both egg hunter and my-whole-deck-costs-0-mana mage were incredibly toxic to play against. Druid mana cheating should be next, guff 20 mana + aviana + titan mana refresh into brann astalor (or honestly any 50 mana combo) is just way too ridiculous.


At diamond 5 in wild I see this deck, maybe 1 in 5 games.

exactly what are you basing your tier 3 on? and what are you basing your nobody is playing it on?

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Hearthstone has been uninstalled.

What kind of idiocy is this with sorcerer’s apprentice? The wording is clear “Your spells cost 1 less, but not less than 1” SO the coin now costs 1?
How about “The cost of your spells is reduced by 1 but not lower than 1”? I don’t like this nerf to the card, because there’s such a big target on the apprentice already it deserved to get the most bang for your buck. Really wish you guys would stop screwing mages over.


Wild Mage and Rogue stonks down, Standard Rogue get’s big stonks!
Meanwhile C’cigil was so underused she got a promotion to make it nigh impossible to not use her now

Not sure the cards it produces are good. E.g. It can give in the same draw multiple times a 7 mana that does 6 damage or a 4 cost weapon that is not that amazing (did I mention a spell needs MORE mana than the Standard card?).

I tried a little but after a few full kills of it I never saw anything remotely powerful (in most cases it was a plain waste of mana compared to just playing any other card in the deck).

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do you play this game ?I think you are very stupid because you never know which card should be decrease

yeah ,i agree with you .

Seeing everyone posting here made me wanna try constructed for 3 games just to do my quest for play 3 mage games and draw 30 cards which cannot be made in BG’s. Man o man I feel you guys :)))), and for the dumb @sses who still support this game and this company, yeah…what can I say, I award you no points and may God have mercy upon your soul (Billy Madison) … I sit and wonder sometimes, how can you even give a holed nickle to this guys who have literally and literally no clue how to design a game. I think that this balances are done based on some numbers that they see and when they see something get’s played too much they nerf it somehow.

Like they did with quillygraphy in bg. Everyone played that and quillboars so they nerfed every trinket.

I still can’t see how much gold my partner has in duos… I mean, c’mon, you should’ve quick-fixed this instantly, let alone with a bigger patch…
Also, if you hide choices on partner’s discovery and reopen them it shows a blank trinkets selection screen instead of the choices…

I saw something very embarrassing the Devs admitted on the subreddit. In them answering someone saying “they only care about players’ sentiment when they balance” they responded with “we always confirm the sentiment is backed by data”.

This is absurd; they admitted they START by sentiment; but the players may be occasionally dumb so that’s a very bad starting point to have.

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