Announcing Battlegrounds Season 8

Announcing Battlegrounds Season 8

Make the most of your vacation with new Magic Trinkets and more in Battlegrounds Season 8: Trinkets and Travels!

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cool stuff bliz :+1:

To hell with BG! Where is the balance patch for standard?! DO SOMETHING EFFECTIVE to Zilliax, OTK and Charge pirates!


Plz balance standard, otk decks suck

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Why talk about OTK and decks in a topic that concerns battlegrounds ?


Last season I hated the buddies, but this one they were better done so I’ll miss them…


Finally! So tired of buddies!


I’m unconvinced from the preview pics that these trinkets are going to be any better overall, or even wildly different. Consider:

Buddies had variable initial cost based on rarity and hero you picked, while these trinkets have variable cost based on rarity, and the hero you picked.

Buddies had effects that shaped or defined how you tried to construct your strategy. Trinkets are allegedly going to have effects that shape or define how you try to construct your strategy.

Buddies had varying power levels and could often be doubled up on. Trinkets will have varying power levels and can be doubled up on.

Buddies decreased in cost based on whether you won, tied, or lost last round’s battle, which “usually” meant people playing them at somewhat predictable intervals. Trinkets, are available to purchase at VERY predictable intervals. So that’s an improvement, I guess.

Buddies could potentially be discoverable. Trinkets are going to be discoverable.

Like, it just seems repackaged. New look, same great taste, as it were.

I think they are very aware of the similarities, that’s why they added the detail about Trinkets being offered accordingly to your Warband.

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Make it possible as it was to buy the battle pass with GOLD…


I like buddies. I just dislike how quick games go now because you’re being hit for so much early on. Feels like the health pool needs to double or something.

Season 7 was/is a snooze fest.

I do not dislike buddies, but I hate buddy meta for how fast, wild, explosive and repetitive it is – Trinkets, like quests, vary each game while buddies are the same; also there will be no one to steal your Trinket (hi, Scabbs & co).

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Exactly. This meta turned BGs to the randomness of Standard; most players are either already OP before they are even level ~5 or they just have died already before almost anyone is level 6; it improves a little if I focus on it and aren’t annoyed but it keeps being a very “sensitive to randomness” meta because the power level is so high hence even 1 or 2 good draws for a hero can turn the game extremely in favor for them.

I suspect a lot of people complain that BGs last too long; or maybe the devs think they do; I doubt it’s healthy for BGs to have the top 4 usually not even being barely level 5 most of the time.

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The best line in the whole patch notes is the devs assuming a nerf to cultist s’thara, a card no real curator ever used to begin with, is a good enough reason to not only unban him from demons, but a reason they thought was worth admitting “this is why curator was banned from this tribe specifically” to begin with!

Well, I hope Blizz fix underwhelming heroes and races
Everyone is playing Quilboars

These Battlegrounds updates are useless as long as you don’t fix the toxic Duos matchmaking. Sell-Trolls keep ruining our games, where is the Report functionality after all this time???


I agree, I have run into some people that just show up to make a mess of duo’s. When demons are in the lobby I cringe due to the fact that I had people just buy all the minions that cause damage and have no strategy.

So excited for Season 8!

So bummed about not being able to buy Season 7’s BG pass. >.< Thought I had more time! I want the fairy tale themed goodies!!!

The biggest difference is that Hero choice is less important in this trinket meta. It’s much like the quest meta in that your hero isn’t the biggest decision you will make. The two trinket choices will be and picking the right combos is a big deal. Overall the new meta should be much more interesting.