Announcing Battlegrounds Season 8

What time will be the patch up ? EU player …

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Do you know the time ?

Can we get ETA? Doesn’t cost You anything, and means a lot to us.

They always release stuff at the same time, it’s probably in 48 minutes.

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Here i am the 20 of august for the new season, where the freak is it ? I got hyped for nothing, it’s like having blue balls…

Hey Blizzard, i was wondering how long the new Rogue bundle would be available in the shop for as well as the other items that got introduced to the shop, would love to purchase them on the 1st of next month but am financially unable to buy them atm, the shadow step art is great!

That used to be the case but Blizzard is too greedy to ever bring that back.

Take the +2 Starting Hero Choices off the Season Pass or remove it entirely from the game.

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Yes and no. On one hand it makes f2p harder, but on the other the entire game could have a subscription: would you like to not play at all?

Fix the animations. You can’t apm when card effects take 3-10 seconds if you get more than one triggering. Figured we learned this with leap frogger last time?

Do we really have to wait 3 weeks for the Automaton nerf? Anyone with 2 brain cells can see this stuff is too easy too powerfull. Get 2 automatons, U’ll get the trinket 100%. Put a reborn on and walk to the supermarket. Come back to a free win

I doubt the problem of this meta is just the automaton. I think it’s again a very power creeped meta. At this point I’ve lost count of the times nobody is even level 5 yet and people start dying left and right.

Fighting 2 60 - 50 minions who reborn into 60 - 50 minions on turn 8 is a fat problem though

Why must you continue to ruin everything? Battlegrounds every season turns into a bigger joke. The thought process you guys go through to think you’re adding to the game is moronic.

Look at what you’ve done to overwatch 2, WoW, HOTS and anything else you touch turns to a pile of dog crap.

no one is playing quillboars…

BG’s are even more broken thank ever, everything is around those damn trinkets and if you don’t get something good you are technically +1 loss

To be honest I cannot answer this, it’s been so long since Blizzard developed something that didn’t transform in that pile of dog crap.

The feels when your prediction ages well but you didn’t want it to :cry:

Leap Frogger again ?? Did you not learn from last time it was in the pool ? Come on Blizz stop trying to force us to go beasts, stop giving everything on a silver platter to beast, it is ruining the game

Not really regarding particularly this season, but didn’t feel like starting a thread just to ask this: is there any reason for Battlegrounds cosmetics to not be purchasable with gold while HS cosmetics are? My card collection would be a lot better if ALL in-game cosmetics were cash-only, but still.