29.6.2 Patch Notes

29.6.2 Patch Notes

Patch 29.6.2 brings balance changes to Standard, Battlegrounds, and Twist, and more!

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Literally laziest nerf ever.

Learn to rebalance cards without changing mana


Thx for the update
:heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I have some fixes id like to send u guys. I sometimes take videos of my gameplay and there are some fd up things that should be fixed. Where can i do that?

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i like the changes though i do feel removing jailers buddy from etc when he cant get renos buddy around the same time might be too much. But i guess we will see, im willing to pick him even though it will likely tank my rating causes he fun

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“Many others and I cannot play due to a serious technical issue with our accounts. Why aren’t you helping us with these patches?”


Still no Twist fix for duels with your Friends. :frowning:

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How about the constant crashing on Mac? I’m honestly surprised the patch went live with how obvious, apparent, and software breaking this is.


Glad twist is getting some love, been loving it

How about shop fix? can not play arena 10 days


Fortunately nobody plays twist, so if you just queue at the same time you should get each other

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It would be amazing if you notified us BEFORE patching of what WILL BE changed, instead of, “you probably noticed that we nurfed a few cards that resulted in an unexpected loss…”

Multiple Battle grounds strategies were nurfed without warning.

And thank you, those changes needed to happen…

They released patch notes an hour before. It’s not their fault if people lack reading comprehension.

Reno, Lone Ranger nerf was done wrong, another mana Bump? That’s terrible and lazy.

How about re-evaluating the effect itself it clears only the enemy board, restricts their next turn, gives 5 armor and gives a better hero power.

The only acceptable solution is to make it wipe the whole board not just your opponent and only allow one space for both players until the end of your next turn.

Then it can be 8 mana again…it would still be the best board clear but since it locks down your own board and it wouldn’t be objectively better than “amazing” Reno.

Dude, the Blood Gems are working like Spellcrafts. They do not stay on the minions after combat…

This happened to me with the Gem Smuggler, triggered by Rylakk Metalhead and with both Brann and Rivendare buffs… I had strong minions in combat and then they were reseted in the recruitment phase.

Pretty sure blood gems in combat have always behaved this way. If you are triggering a quillboar to play them as an avenge trigger, thats always been their behavior once combat was over.

or are the ones you play on the minions in the prep turns not lasting past the following combat once it crosses end of turn and combat concludes?

Buffs during combat are temporary unless some effect makes it so they can keep them. Dragon poet makes it so dragons adjacent keep combat enchantments, tiracosa - dragons in battleground can buff because some cards give or have effects that keep enchantments that occur during combat. OR Tarecgosa, which keeps its combat enchantments.

Wording can be tricky as I’ve learned but in general, anything happening during combat is temporary. Most things happening out of combat are permanent, unless it explicitly says “until next turn”

Please address the animation stun locks in Battlegrounds with beasts. ty for looking

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“Several additional Heroes will no longer be able to be paired together in Duos”
Is there a list somewhere? I would really like to know if I can scratch some scenarios of possible power-combos out of my head . :sweat_smile:

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