13 loss streak 1 star away from legend

Update for science.

It’s the last week before reset and EXACTLY the same thing is happening AGAIN (4th month in row), which I predicted here a month ago (see quote).

Slow and steady climb from D5 to D1 over the past week or so, but now I’m on day 2 of exclusively losing. The loss streak started 2 stars away from Legend, and i am now sitting on 9 losses in a row, so i stopped before it gets to 13+ like last month.

So yeah, called it, predicted it, it’s happening again. 4 months in a row.


Yep, you hit your skill ceiling. Want a cookie?


Just stay off the thread dude if you dont like it. Do you really need to prove every day how arrogant and obnoxious a human being can be? Is it really you who needs a cookie? And a hug?

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Do you need to prove every day how dense you are?

You are doing a great job of it, Ray…

Its not an echo chamber. Its a forum.

MMR is working as intended when a person sees the results Ladydub has. They have reached their limit. There is no ill intent, Ladydub simply need to improve their game play to progress further.

If Ladydub did what Mallenroh did a few years ago, and asked for a tutor to help them get over the hurdle, I am sure they would get someone to assist. Just like Theman did for Mall at that time. But instead they blame the game.

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The closer you get to hitting a tier threshold the tougher your opponents are going to get.

It’s not a secret.

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The matching gets really clumpy around tiers. Check it out yourself.

Yes, because you’re getting close to going up a rank. So it starts pitting you against players in that rank.

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This isnt particularly helpful 9r friendly, swamp face!

But it should not always be the class (es) you are most favored to lose to.
That is what players see and complain about and I can vouch for the same.

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You confuse me with someone who wants to be friendly and/or helpful to people who blame external factors for not being as good as their ego makes them believe. Cheese face!

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When you start losing, you quit the game and change the deck you are playing.

Diamond 5 to legend is the most try hard part of the ranked system.


Tilt has claimed another victim :skull:

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Don’t suppose you recorded it?

It’s one thing to post your stats, like actually post them and not just say what happened, then for people to say it’s not enough. When do people ever post them though? OP is claiming long streaks of losses and blaming an unfair algorithm upon reaching D1. Just verifying this much would go a long way tbh since we would be able to see a sudden change in matchups after reaching a certain point.

Almost December, I look forward to another update next month.

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Isn’t this to be expected? If you hit a new rank floor at which higher skilled players inhabit isn’t it likely you might lose more than before?

You’re right friend. I wasn’t thinking about it that way. We need to admit when things are our own fault, and not blame the game! Cheese face? I like it!:cheese::cheese::cheese::joy:

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Absolutely! But OP mentioned Tweaked RNG in addition to an algorithm, so who’s to say what’s skill and what’s manipulated RNG? Of course, if you believe every single play and outcome is guided toward a predetermined result and your own actions are irrelevant, I really don’t understand why you would keep playing. Even if you believe only some of the results are predetermined, how could you ever tell the difference?

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of threads/posts with people claiming the game is rigged because they are unable to even reach Diamond. So if MM is being manipulated by an algorithm, it’s clearly not treating everyone the same. This would make it harder to identify, except that OP claims it’s worked the same exact way for months. So this would make it fairly easy to identify IMO. Just post some stats.

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Hey, you gave me permission to call you so, so you should like it… Right around the time you “forced” my name change from Swampy to SwampFace.

Cheese face!


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Oh great here comes the most poisonous and uncivilized person on these forums. Mr basement dweller himself.

Yep, you are indeed the most poisonous and uncivilized person on these forums. At least you can admit it.

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Wow thats all I needed, the “I know you are but what am I” defense. Whats next? Are you rubber and I am glue? Grade school comebacks from your simple mind and infantile wit?