28.6 Patch Notes

28.6 Patch Notes

Prepare for Hearthstone’s most wondrous expansion yet, Whizbang’s Workshop!

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2 copies of Corridor Sleeper are included in each pre-purchase bundle and are playable immediately upon purchase



I am dying for some Steam news, when is it releasing on steam?!

Players are complaining about the RNG in this game and you add more ultra RNG cards, you really take your players for idiots, You spit it in the face of your community.

Balance your criminal enterprise game (match rigged).

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Battleground changes: in which universe does it make sense to buff the two most powerful tribes almost everyone has been playing exclusively (beast and undead), in the meantime leaving the underperforming ones unchanged or even nerfing them (murlocs)?

The fundamental problems of certain tribes (pirates, elementals) are also left unaddressed. Who is responsible for tribe balance? Do they even play the game?

Why do you not show the cards you are removing from the pool? guess its my fault i can’t remember names only pictures

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Finally pure p2w mechanics

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I love the new content, but the early access Corridor Sleeper is a very bad decision. Not cool at all :frowning:


we love rng

thats why they release rng cards because those see a lot of play

so they are giving us what we want

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yep, they are killing the game

The game is already dead anyway, it’s just a game for the mentally challenged and look how proud they are of their game.

Thank you for taking Battlegrounds out of Hearthstone!

Could we please get another Solo Adventure? Actually, what I would like is anything that gives us more lore/story. Perhaps that could be done in a way outside of Solo Adventures?

Holy hell, those event rewards are garbage. Not even a choice of portrait or something? just golden versions of cards and a coin?

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You clearly don’t watch bg on youtube. With enough luck, every tribe is playable!

Your reasoning does not make sense to me. In the 6000+ MMR region this season 4/5 matches have been won by undead or beast based on the many hundred of matches I have played. If there is no cleave minion present in the pool, it is almost impossible to deal with these tribes. Also, 6 players out of 8 are going for these tribes unless - as you say - they are pushed towards a different tribe by getting a lot of key minions from a different tribe early in the game. The point is every tribe should have the same chance of winning given the same ammount of luck.