28.2 Patch Notes

28.2 Patch Notes

Patch 28.2 bring Battlegrounds Season 6, Spellslinger’s Saloon, a new player progression update, a shop update, and more!

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This patch includes some nice QoL improvements, & some much requested bug fixes.


‘Major Shop Rework’



First, good bug fixes.

Second… edit: nevermind, I was wrong.

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Where is the bug fix for Jace Darkweaver?

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so…is standard where you want it? or, balance changes to come?? just curious, don’t have a strong opinion on the current meta.

The patch isn’t live until tomorrow

I’m hyped!

Just a very very small suggestion: I would change (improve) the wording of the Hero Power text of Maiev Shadowsong. E.g. something like: “Capture a card from the tavern, unlock/release it after 2 turns.”

Oh thanks for the info. Then I have another problem apparently.

From what I read in the bug report section, it’s the same effect used for both cards. So he should be fixed as well.

Lone Ranger played in Duels also destroys Darius Crowley’s cannons, which negates his hero power making him a non-viable hero choice now. Might as well replace him with someone new.

Also, Daggerspine Naga is broken. She only gains venom for one attack, not even a full round.

  • Bots have been added to the Battlegrounds ladder. One or more bots will be added to certain games to provide newer and lower-MMR players with a smoother experience.

added bots. lol. THE END IS COMING!


Will bots respond to “wave” emotes when going tier 3 on turn 3? Or am i asking for too much?

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Now put Battlegrounds on the Mobile modular download next please.


chogall to 50% YEESSSSSS!

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[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where cards transformed by Shenanigans would retain their Deathrattles, allowing you to... **sigh** destroy the enemy hero with a banana that had Mecha’thun’s Deathrattle. Talk about Shenanigans.



Free my boy dawngrasp i just wanna play ping mage in wild.

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Fix for Chaos Gazer where when played by the opponent you lose your card immediately?

Thanks for fixing this!


fix Halveria Darkraven’s special hero power animation please! she is my favourite hero! :disappointed_relieved:

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