28.0 Patch Notes

28.0 Patch Notes

Grab your hat and your horse, it’s nearly time for a Showdown in the Badlands!

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Looks like you guys know only three classes… Warlock, Demon Hunter and Death Knight… Why the event always give hero skin for only these classes? Can anyone mention an event where we could get a Paladin portrait? … :confused:


like the arthas skin for paladin?

You mean to the solo adventure when need to defeat Lichking with all classes? I wouldn’t call that an event… that one was solo content… :slight_smile:

Anomalies Update

Yogg-Saron has been contained once again! Anomalies will no longer appear in 1/4 of matches. Anomalies will now only appear if one or both players have Cho-Gall, Twilight Chieftain in their deck at the start of the game.

As a Paladin, I will miss them, as they almost always helped my deck.

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good bye anomalies, won’t be missed.


So, instead of just letting the current Twist format continue while y’all are in a holding pattern…just turn it off completely sounded like the better option?

That makes absolutely zero sense.

It’s not exactly competition with the new set. But I can see the :dollar: signs in the eyes of the people that make the decision. New expansion drops this month, and I would have no doubt sales tend to be highest in the first two months after, not exactly rocket surgery.

Oh well, it is what it is…


" * [Progression] We’ve adjusted the amount of Rewards Track experience gained from playing in Mercenaries."

What the hell? Was it increased or decreased?
If the later then it’s so lame. Whelp, time to migrate to battlegrounds I guess.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where a Reborn trigger counted as summoning an extra time.

What does this mean? Khartut Defender not giving you a second summon for Awaken the Makers, Scourge Rager not giving a second for Jungle Giants? Reborn definitely is a summon effect, since it triggers after the Deathrattle, so the minion is definitely dead, and the reborn one-health version a definitely different one…


Sad to see Rattlegore being untouched for duels. Guess i’ll overdose on copium till the next patch

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Mysteries fixed??? Heck yes, so happy to see this! Thank you for listening to us =D

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Can’t be. The pinned patch notes at the top of the forums (as of this post) says we are still in




Also, THREE patches later you STILL forgot there’s two titans event only cards you still owe the playerbase.

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I would expect Mercenaries experience to be decreased. And I expect a sharp decrease, maybe 100 exp per hour or even less.

Boy, they really are killing the mode!


I think they do not want the people play this mode anymore because of the AFK farmers.

A bit misleading that duels show that the season ends in >1 month if it’s ending today.


They should’ve just give xp per win for mercs. There is no point to reward per time for such small matches.

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I didn’t get these 2 cath-up packs after updating… Is it a bug or did I just misread the article?


I haven’t gotten any either.

They clarified this: We will get them when the expansion launches.