27.4.2 Patch Notes

27.4.2 Patch Notes

Patch 27.4.2 brings balance changes to Standard, Wild, Twist, Battlegrounds, and more!

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" [Events] Clarified the text on an event daily quest requiring that you “experience an Anomaly” must be completed in Traditional Hearthstone, not Battlegrounds." - does not comlete after several wins in Traditional Hearthstone with anomalies. Blizzard pls fix, I don’t want to reroll for a 50 XP quest


Both Coppertail Snoop and Craftsman’s Hammer are laughble nerfs.

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I came here exactly after reading what you posted.

Are they that (removed) that they don’t think we’ve tried multiple modes?

Serioulsy, the thing is bugged af and blizzard out here “akshwully…”

Well i was expecting more…
3 armor from warrior weapon? doesn’t matter.
1 dmg off hunter weapon, kinda don’t matter.
5 mana sanitize, won’t matter.

warlock not cheating sargeras, thank god. one good nerf. one…
druid and hunter will continue to own, warrior aswell. perhaps even more now that warlock got nerfed the hardest.

Now this part triggers me hard

When we buffed Warrior in our last balance patch, we did so knowing that they’d get more powerful tools in the Mini-Set, but we wanted to make sure that the deck hit, so we erred on the side of over-buffing it,

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While I mostly agree with everything here, the sanitize nerf is pretty huge since it makes it unavailable in even Warrior, which also disables Ignis (obv only applies to wild).

Priest stealing all off your cards, killing a 40/40 minion with a 1 mana spell and generating infinity value from the void, ah, well.

Mage casting a 2 damage spell with 7 or 8 bonus,playing four or five solid alibi great!

Druid summoning a 30/40 board on turn 6 or 7, kinda well.

Rogue creating a 18/22 mech on turn 4, oh, nice!

Warrior having a reasonable, “Reasonable, not good” removal, nerf azap! Nerf and nerf again!

Sanitize its damage to all minions, not just to enemy minions. This nerf is too much for that.

Edit: How can I forget the OTK Shaman and Hunter decks. Get OTKed on turn 8 now! Yeah!

But congrats.

On the meta now Just Arcane Hunter, Priest “As aways” and Druids.

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Anyone playing mobile and get the update but alot of the update not live at all I can’t refund the cards that are nerf at all and some of the supposed warlock nerf are not nerfed at all.

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Weak nerfs! Fearful Blizzard!

Bye bye Tyr’s Tears … :disappointed_relieved:

Witchwood cards showing up as “not yet released” and unable to be placed in Wild decks (e.g. Cinderstorm)

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Ну хоть к концу сезона они выкатили обнову, которая фиксит всю имбу в твисте: голдфишную и дикобесящую джейдктунорогу, которая сбрасывает твои карты и приносит в жертву твоих провокаторов и глиномесного варлока на сбросе, который на 4 ход уже имеет на столе 16\16. Наконец-то можно будет взять легенду спокойно без всей этой глины.

Could you please add an anomaly where a coin is flipped to decide the winner of a match?

I think i will stop playing this game


I have been playing twist with my Jade/C’Thun Rogue and have really been enjoying it. I felt like it was evenly matched on ladder with most decks. However, increasing Jade Telegram and the Blade of C’Thun’s cost by 1 severely hurts this deck. This deck relies on early hand disruption and control to gain momentum. With decks such as Discard Lock, Face Hunter, and Totem Shaman in the Twist meta other decks need control and hand disruption to even stand a chance. I play Hearthstone 8 hours a day, and up to this point been pretty even with wins/losses in Twist with my Rogue. As of now, I have lost every single game due to the inability to play Jade Telegram and my Blade to control the game. I don’t like the play style of “Hurry and win by turn 5 decks”, but with this change it’s like that’s my only choice :frowning: Please change their mana costs back.

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I can understand the Movement of Pride nerf because it definitely churned out some insanely early wins for Warlock, but I feel like this nerf is too heavy hitting :\ It’s gonna be so often where you play Movement of Pride → a 0 mana tour guide or a 0 mana armor vendor. All the other movements are normally viable options (aside from draw 6 typically), but I really feel like this nerf will kill this movement.


These nerfs and buffs… my mistake… I was expecting too much I guess… I hope Moon beam druid will disappear now atleast. Oh well, You tried to do something and I got alot of extra dust now.

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Can’t be. The pinned patch notes at the top of the forums says we are still in


I love how whoever is left on the dev team tries to be so smug and condescending to the playerbase, thinking we’ve been trying to get this in bgs this whole time. Instead of, you know…they can’t code their way out of a paper bag with two sides left open for them, gps, a roadmap, and a step by step diagram written by the wrold’s smartest person guiding them.


team 5


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Battleground’s Banana Slamma needs rework or needs to be removed.

It needs a nerf, whether it be to how it buffs a battle-summoned beast or brought to a higher tier. Its outclassing higher tier combos.



If you’re serious about playing 8 hours a day and you’re only playing jade’thun rogue and your winrate is 50%, you’re just an awful player.

Jade’thun rogue is overtuned af! Telegram at 3 is a travesty, at 4 is still too strong imo. It gives you information on potentially all of your opponent’s hand, or likely most of it; it thickens your opponent’s deck, making them draw worse; it gives you hand advantage; and it gives you tempo.

This is the worst take I’ve ever seen for a balance patch.