Announcing Battlegrounds Season 5!

Announcing Battlegrounds Season 5!

Battlegrounds Season 5 brings an update befitting the gods, with a new hero, new minions, the new Anomalies system, and more!

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This looks like it could be interesting. Such swooping changes all at once could be disastrous or could be good.
Just make sure that you spend a lot of time on perfecting the anomalies before you add them because they sound like they could easily destroy this mode if not done perfectly.

I’m also unsure whether they’re meant to be a permanent edition or more a seasonal thing like quests and buddies?

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I am confident it is a season thing as the patch notes quote,
“The weekly Anomalies updates will keep the meta fresh all season long!”

I hope the devs don’t backtrack on their promise to provide over 50! anomalies. 50! has 64 zeroes so I am looking forward to how this is even technically possible!


Haha, a factorial joke. Classic.

Pointless for me as I can’t get to tier 5 before I’m dead because of cheaters/elite players.

Hey clueless devs, regulate levelling in BG s o everyone levels up at the same time.

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Thorim’s Hero Power repeatable?

Otherwise you should give a golden T7 minion or his HP will be very weak.

This sounds great!

Looking forward to a new season of Battlegrounds! :crossed_swords::muscle:t2:

so far, this is going to make BGs unplayable. it is already too fast paced meta that people are losing to 8th place on turn 6 and 7, now they going to rush to tavern 7.

and you have literally destroyed elementals with this nerf. the only tribe that has no way of buffing your board, only minions in the shop. that new tavern 5 elemental is going to be weak. you remove minions that was the only ones that can be buffed on the board and give us this fracas??

I am already hating this game after playing 4 years since its inception and now you want me and other’s to straight quit the game.

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Your profile pic suits you perfectly.

“Cheaters” or “Elite players” are not the issue, bud.

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Awesome! Always love getting a new batch of minions. Very excited for a new season and for the quests to go away for a bit.

What is this referring to? I didn’t see a new tavern 5 elemental in the article.

Check RDU and Slysssa’s exclusive card reveal videos. Links to their channels are in the article

Anomalies! I wish there would be something like that for normal Hearthstone.

I so loved the Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror adventures. Those anomalies making it ever so slightly more interesting. A new good solo adventure like that (dungeon run style) would be nice.

But how about like a custom game mode where you can toggle such rule adjustments? The most obvious thing would be to make Tavern Brawl into this. At best you also would be able to share and/or look at other custom rule settings from the community. And then one of such new community rule set could be highlighted each week for that card pack reward. I think that would be so awesome!

I would also be willing for pay for that, but of course that shouldn’t go to much at the expense of other people that might not want to or can’t pay for it. I’m not sure how you could properly monetize such a game mode in a reasonable manner, but that would be a dream come true for me.

I always like to have fun with random stuff where each game feels different. Right now the best is to play a deck like Yogg Mage but especially with the deckbuilding need and restrictions it still is not as great as it could be in my opinion. If I could still have fun with my friends in such a mode I would be willing to spend at least like 10 bucks or so as a monthly subscription. Maybe a premium where you can create your own rules and play (also with your friends) any community rule set.

So how about this: The free version would be exactly like Tavern Brawl right now (except that I think the community might come up with more interesting Tavern Brawls… yeah, sorry…) but then you can get yourself something like the Tavern Pass or what it’s called where it now for like 5 bucks per month it grants you access to all previous rule sets and for another 5 bucks on top another upgrade that also gives you access to a “rules editor” to make your own custom rule settings. Now that! Would be. Legendary.


Hard agree

Take all that skin/BP money and pay people to play the game. So many Heroes and variants are possible, there’s bound to be a few things which nobody will want around in the meta.

Did it mention how many copies there are of units @ T7?

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So much text yodameme xdd

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another expansion another failed chance to revert the pay to win in battlegrounds. game still uninstalled. not that you care or anything. i had honestly forgot hearthstone existed its been so long since i uninstalled it because you made BGs pay to win.


Lol Sacpuncher the ONLY time i ever paid ANYTHING to this game was the adventures, because i found them fun. With the new system that most things (including golden packs) can be bought with in game gold, and the tavern offering new ways to earn gold EACH DAY!! the fact you feel its pay to win is laughable, am i legend rank? No, does that mean its boring? No, i play for fun, i win occasionally and loose occasionally but thats not because of “pay to win” one of my best decks has only included 1 legendary i got from a lucky pack. In this game you can win with the basic cards, its all about the deck synergies and strategy

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Hi man, I’m f2p and I mostly play BG and duels. I generally plateau around 8k+ and I’m pretty unfazed about mmr in bg (, I just play for fun).
Nevertheless if you want some help in ranking up in bg/ vsing people at a higher mmr than you are used to, I’d be happy to team up and play some bg. I added you to my f-list, when you want to play just ask. Although I’m not always on, I’m more than happy to chat or help if needed.

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can someone tell me why everyone has access to season 5 and i dont? I’ve reinstalled, verified game files, tried updating. still stuck on quest season while friends are playing the new season 5