11 Stars Bug this Season?

I’ve ended this Season on Rank 606 of 8690 Wild EU but got only 10 Stars.

First time i hit the 11 in Wild was in November on Rank 750 of 8400.

In December i’ve ended on 433, 11 Stars.

January 606 but only 10 Stars, why?

Is there anyone else here who completed above the 10% but didn’t get 11 stars?

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Yes, I have the same problem

I’ve ended this Season on Rank 799 of 8690 Wild EU but got only 10 Stars.

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One of my Friends ended on 1900 Wild EU and has 11 Stars.

Many people didn’t get the Season rewards.

I got my Cards an Packs, but i think, there is something big happend with rewards and Star Bonus this month :man_shrugging:

Check this topic, maybe this bug is related to the “Twist” format:

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I dont Play Twist.
And i’ve gotten my Cards and Packs.

Same problem, I was at 2464 from 28508 on Eu standard and didn’t get 11 star.

the 10% is an estimate done by community but there is no 10% rule

the only official words are

edit: it’s possible alot of competitive players with high MMR did not hit legend in January because it was not counting for e-sports that starts with February

Yes I know. But with a few exceptions, the 10% rule has always been correct.

sometimes even 12-13%

There are also some reports on Reddit that players who have always received 11 stars in their rank only received 10 this month.

Something has changed, or it’s a Bug :man_shrugging:

i put in an edit on top , but since you already replied i post here

it’s possible alot of competitive players with high MMR did not hit legend in January because it was not counting for e-sports that starts with February

edit: for Standard at least

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