26.4.3 Patch Notes

26.4.3 Patch Notes

Patch 26.4.3 includes balance changes to Standard, Wild, and Battlegrounds.

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I can’t get Original Nemsy hero skin by Fireside Gathering, even though I played along Blizzard’s notice about Nemsy acquisition conditon. What’s wrong? Fireside Gathering with established tavern, Brawl mode, 3 people or more. Anything else? Or It is blocked? PLEASE reply! PLEASE!

You were told multiple times it was removed during covid. Stop spamming.


Hello !
Is there any plan at all to fix the bugs in Mercenaries for the boss rush ?

Worst nerfs ever, almost nothing has changed.


Not removed. Only private Fireside Gathering room available, but we can get Nemsy hero skin too there Blizzard said. I wrote above 3 acquisition condition of Nemsy. They said that. But I couldn’t get. It is not spam. I’m saying something wrong. One month more, but Blizzard didn’t reply. Not only me, many user thinks about that problem. I think we should try to solve this problem, not just be bothered or treated as spam.

blizzard. I don’t necessarily want to complain. But my question is why all Festival weapons have good stats except Kodohide Drunkit of warrior? It was a good chance to bring the paladin’s weapon to lower stats as well. I can not understand what are the criteria behind the balance you propose.

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I don’t understand why it has to buff a minion on the field and not in the hand. That would solve the problem with the card.

Blizzard balancing?

It doesn’t change anything, aggro deck continues to win easily against control decks and your game is still just as stupid (worst ccg in the world), change profession because you suck.


Unpopular opinion: these are some really nice changes and they will remove some power from pure paladin, it might still be too strong, but the game is better and more fun than yesterday

edit: also i needed 1600 dust and i had hope of quel’thalas so i can now finish my control priest deck, ty blizzard

Some of these duels treasures ive never seen. Ive tried to get blood shields with both scarlet and sai 20+ runs with corpse cards but never even got the opportunity to pick it. Not sure how to get it

No nerf for Countess… great… it is just giving the victory for pure Paladin almoast everytime even if you can resist… bad bad bad…

you always have stupid deathrattle, stupid battle cries, stupid powers 🗲, abusive card draw or generation especially for aggro decks, stupid burst, stupid rng, stupid buffs (warrior for example), stupid mechanic that the opponent touches your hand or deck (like it’s their cards when it’s not), stupid aoe or cards to manage big creatures for aggro decks example shadow priest/paladin (since when does an aggro deck have board management cards or aoe?).

So im just telling the truth worst ccg in the world and change jobs.

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Buenas, he ido a desencantar mis cartas repetidas, y solo se incluyen las de Paladín y las de cazador las de más no, alguna idea sobre esto? Es algún bug. Tengo repetida diablillo violigno y no me da su coste original y lo mismo me pasa con robodispensador remezclado y está la tengo hasta en dorada.

because its a deaths bite that does 1 less damage and can aoe much harder, or its a +1 damage bloodrazor that can do as much or more aoe damage

And Astalor’s third form is still an awful, lazy, unimaginative design. Seems like there is a dev or few who just can’t stop themselves from slobbering over dumb select damage beatstick knobs.

The only thing I wished for was a huge nerf (or removal) of that “slamma” gorilla from Battlegrounds. That card is an anti-fun material, for sure

I cant update? It shows that its UpToDate, but its not

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You buffed basically every other tribe, and then BROKE MECHS!? What are you doing?? Give Scrap Scraper it’s old effect back ASAP. I can reliably boost Demons and Quilboar into the high hundreds for stats (even over 1,000), and yet you think MECHS needed a nerf?? Mechs are wholly reliant on Scrap Scraper’s effect to be competitive, and you completely broke them. Fix this please. Give Scrap Scraper the Avenge (4) effect back, preferably tomorrow.

Pure Paladin still overpowered like hell. Practically nothing changed.