Nah, you won’t get legend for the first time. You tilt too easily.
U had a lot of stupid comments in that thread, just browse your own history.
It’s bloody hilarious. Who are the lunatics who upvote conspiracy theories? Is it a usual thing on this forum?
You make plenty of stupid comments yourself, link the thread with evidence.
Papa Blizzard let me Win 14 games in a row once, lmao
And yet you are hard stuck in D2 in the last day claiming the matchmaking is rigged.
That doesn’t look too good.
You realise how tiny and insignificant that sample size is, right?
Try googling Occam’s Razor
Why bother rigging if it costs money to keep it hush? That’s laughable
Considering your theory is that the matchmaking system is rigged because you got bad matchups when swapping decks, yes, it does imply a claim of being targeted because the game has to be singling you out to get bad matchups in favor of your opponents.
For every bad matchup it gives you, it gives a good matchup to another person. It’s impossible for the system to be rigged against everyone, so if the matchmaking system is rigged, you have to be one of the people getting targeted for bad matchups.
“For every bad matchup it gives you, it gives a good matchup to another person.”
yes idiot that is exactly what is happening its called the “blizzard forced 50%”, i played enough overwatch to know its a thing
20 characters
and why don’t you proove the opposite?
since i already am more credible due to Activision Blizzard already got caught rigging MM in call of duty, that tipped the scale on my side, meanwhile all you have is blind fanboying
That’s easy…
Thousands of players reach legend every month, which requires a greater than 50% win rate. Many do so very quickly at the start of each season, and many reliably reach top ratings each month.
If there were an algorithm that was forcing 50% win rates, none of that could happen, therefore it does not.
Your sample size is uselessly small to make any claims. You need hundreds/thousands of games logged to make any definitive claim of matchmaking rigging going on, as well as knowledge of what is being queued with at the moment you push the play button, none of which you have here.
What you did was the equivalent of flipping a coin twice, getting 2 heads, and calling the coin rigged.
Ah yes. Insult people. Way to win the hearts and minds.
I wonder why people just think you conspiracy theorists are salty for losing? You don’t bring it on yourself at all.
“which requires a greater than 50% win rate”
this is simply not true coz of the winstreaks only work one way and the “you cant lose stars at this rank”, you have no clue what you re even talking about
“You need hundreds/thousands of games logged”
yes we have exactly that thanks to third party sites, and again you did not disprove anything in fact you added nothing of value in either of your sentences, just repeating the same thing while trying to mock others for “conspiracy theories”
Win streaks don’t happen from D5 to D1.
That is a stretch where you need to win 16 more games than you lose, which would not happen if the game were preventing that.
And it still doesn’t address the people that repeatedly reach the top 1k players in legend, where again, win streaks are not a thing, so any matchmaking rigging would require that blizzard is arbitrarily choosing to favor them.
You are the one that has no idea what they are talking about, and are trying to blame a matchmaking system for your failure to climb.
Yes, and none of those support that this happens
Mall has no dog in this hunt.
you are talking about legend and diamond like those fake ranks even mean anything, ever wondered why they don’t show your opponents ranks?
replace the (dot) with .
Because you’re matched by mmr not rank, making rank worthless information? At legend, your mmr is represented your rank, which is why they show it there