This is the class I chosed to master. At first my goal was to reach 500 wins and get the golden Uther portrait… and now here I am.
h t t p s ://
This is the class I chosed to master. At first my goal was to reach 500 wins and get the golden Uther portrait… and now here I am.
h t t p s ://
Grats, dude! How long have you been playing, and what has been your favorite deck?
My favorite Pally deck was the old school Secret Paladin, or “Christmas Tree” Paladin.
Thanks, returned 4 years ago. I had about 250 Paladin wins when returned. Started with Libram Paladin, never liked aggro and always refused to play the most OP decks.
Congrats man. I stopped playing paladin when i reached 1000 wins about 3 years ago. I think my all time favorite pali was a dragon pali with kazakusan or the ungoro adapt one.