“In Hearthstone “ HURRR DURRR

So I have this treasure hunt quest

“ deal damage to enemy heroes 25 times IN HEARTHSTONE”

Hurrrr durrrr gee I thought I was playing Minecraft!!!

Thank you sooooo much for the reminder of which game I’m playing.

Or is it more of a dumbed down sheep “don’t hurt other players in real life warning???

god !


Has it not occured to you that the “In Hearthstone” was emphasized to point out you can’t do it in the Battlegrounds?


Is this really a forum post? Seems like something so small.


Hearthstone is a specific umbrella term. It’s both Constructed and Arena and even the single player decks; basically anything that “plays like constructed” when you already have a deck; Battlegrounds is in a reality A DIFFERENT GAME in the usual terminology of the gaming industry; the same goes for Mercenaries.

So basically the “game” has 3 games; Healthstone and BGs and Mercenaries; I suspect they will delete Mercenaries or massively renovate it to make it completely different because it’s sticking out like a sore thumb.


They should know their audience and written it as “in Ranked or Arena.”

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The text “Hearthstone” implies that it’s more than ranked or arena. It should be casual too. Theoretically it should be also the single player Hearthstone decks but I haven’t tested it.

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Considering people need to be warned that coffee is hot, probly this.


Because the quest does not work in battlegrounds, mercenaries, maybe tavern brawl, arena (and obviously adventures like most quests)
Apparently you’re part of the playerbase that needs to be reminded that those game modes exist otherwise you wouldn’t be posting here

Like have you ever looked at the main screen of the game ? The one with the first button being “Hearthstone”, aka the game mode where you have to complete the quest, and the other 3 not being Hearthstone, aka the game modes where you won’t be able to complete the quest ?

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This entire post says everything about you and it isn’t exactly good.


Most probably works in tavern brawl and arena (and even casual), basically anything that has a “traditional hearthstone deck+board”. The umbrella “Hearthstone” implies it might even work in the single player decks.


And I thought you were posting in good faith. Seems we were both incorrect on a few things.

The original lawsuit surrounding that was well deserved; the McDonald’s employee did NOT secure the lid AND the coffee was served WELL beyond even their own internal safety standards. If you’re going to serve something hot enough to cause second degree burns you should at least warn the customer AND make sure it won’t immediately spill all over their lower body. (and that’s not even considering the damage to the car’s interior)

And what’s worse, even AFTER that happened, and went viral because the headline makes it sound ostensibly ridiculous, another similar case happened decades later in 2023!

Sure, “please operate correctly” or “caution: hot stuff is hot” sounds common sense, but OSHA rules are written in blood. It’s not exactly the laughing matter pop culture might have you believe.

I wish they were that metal.



It just triggers me a bit, is all, because in this particular situation, the corpo “won” the public opinion trial via propaganda. “Caution: hot coffee is hot” sounds ridiculous. It’s ridiculous! So much so that even when this was actually unfolding in the moment, “most people” brushed it off and poked fun at it. Meanwhile, this lady was horrifically injured. There’s a reason she was awarded millions of dollars. Corpo’s don’t just pay that out of the goodness of their hearts.

It’s a literal case of money talking, BS walking (albeit 3 million poorer but let’s be real - that’s a drop in the bucket for them even by 1993’s standards). Similarly, Taco Bell beat their bad rap when it was clinically proven their “beef” was actually over 60% gluten filler. A lawsuit was filed because they never disclosed that, and they were found to be guilty of misleading advertising.

What did they do? Nothing regarding the meat, that’s for sure! Still full of filler. All they did, was rename it to “seasoned beef” and then they started airing commercials stating “we start with pure 100% beef, and then add our own special recipe.”

The power of marketing augments reality because perception IS reality. It’s even been proven via recent quantum superposition breakthroughs. We observe, the superposition ends, and the state is determined.

But I really detest when corpos win out, is all.

I actually wasn’t familiar with the details of that suit, but I am not at all surprised. I’ve learned from experience to never trust any reporting regarding Supreme Court cases. I don’t mean that in some kind of partisan “you can’t trust MSNBC but you can trust FOX” way, I mean that ALL journalists are lazy and obviously don’t read one more word of research that they have to in order to make word count. I always go directly to the Court’s actual opinion and read that.

Remember that one case about the baker and gay wedding cakes? Very similar situation to your McDonald’s case in a way. People got big into the news on that yet have not the slightest what the case was actually about.

The point is, journalists don’t push corporate propaganda because they’re on the take. It’s so much worse. They do it because they’re lazy, and if a lobbyist wants to do the writing they’re more than willing to delegate the task to them.

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That´s absolutely true, people could be blinded by my hotness. My wife can attest to that.


Call me crazy, but whenever I want to play Battlegrounds, I have to open this Battle.net app called Hearthstone.

I must admit, this reminds me of when Day9 returned to try the game again. Upon booting it up, he was greeted by the brilliant game design choice of having to click on the first tab of a mode called ‘Hearthstone,’ while having booted up Hearthstone.

The genius behind that move has yet to reveal themselves.

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It’s about branding/marketing

Those are two entirely separate games, even though they’re all a part of the product and brand we call “Hearthstone”, which is then again a part of a brand called “Blizzard Entertainment” … “Blizzard”…“Microsoft”…

You have to keep them together, but also apart, for marketing purposes (different target audience), so this is how you do it.

I refuse to applaud their disregard for dedicated Battlegrounds players.

They could easily make these goals achievable across all game modes, but instead, they’ve tied them exclusively to the main mode, artificially inflating player numbers, trying to make it seem like more players are switching between the two modes than actually are.

As for the need to click on a tab called ‘Hearthstone’ after already booting up Hearthstone, I have no words. It’s ridiculous. They could have not taken the easy way out, and actually thought of a name to distinguish between game and mode.

My friendly advice for you is to stop thinking about it. I can assure you it is way above your capability to understand and only thing you acquire is headache…

Resorting to personal attacks because there’s no real counterargument?
A tale as old as time.

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