“In Hearthstone “ HURRR DURRR

Speaking of Battlegrounds, I don’t play it. However does anyone else think it looks like it could have started out as a development tool and was turned into a game mode? I don’t know if it started out that way, it just looks to me like something that could have been a development tool. lol

The counterargument is it’s semantics that we do not have the power to change. We all know what it is and how it works.

It was designed as a direct competition to TFT. Auto Battlers were quite popular back then.

That’s not at all what semantics means. Go grab a dictionary for Pete’s sake.

THIS POST was semantics.

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It says one thing, it could mean another but we all know what it means. Versus what it says.

Is that not semantics?

I was probably incorrect about the single player modes being “Hearthstone”, I saw Blizzard text that implies they are not Hearthstone.

It makes some technical sense because some of the adventures “decks” are not …decks; they are autogenerated; anything goes.