“Discover” The real problem

So I feel that Discover is a major balance issue. Once you start bringing in cards outside of a designed set interaction it creates in-balance . How can you have balance if i can add multiple cards from other classes or even from wild? How could they possibly balance something with infinite possibilities? Thoughts oh and Helya is broken but i love it !!


It is. Discover used to have downside, that being the minion or spell was understatted or overcosted. A 2 mana 1/1 with discover, for example. Idk when but they for some reason decided, hey lets give premium stats or premium mana along with discover! So now we get it as it is now. Which is, you can make a deck of all the lowest cost or best budgeted discover cards…30 discover cards…and win half your games, no problem. It’s even strong on a personal attack level, since no one wants to see and wait discover after discover perfect answer after perfect answer, after the 10th or 20th discover it’s quite common people just concede rather than wait and experience all the BS. It’s quite ridiculous. But that’s where we’re at. Will it change to some semblance of balance again? Unfortunately, probably not. Sadness and shame.