Uncover Brand New Toys with Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions!

Uncover Brand New Toys with Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions!

Dr. Boom’s bringing an incredible Mini-Set, with the new Gigantify keyword, explosive new cards, and more!

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Gigantify = Titanic from Runeterra.
Good to know we continue stealing keywords.


very cool

i cant wait to use 1 to 2 new cards!


not at all. titanic minions are minions that have 8+ cost, attack, or health, basically a pseudo-tribe. this is an on use battlecry that just makes a big guy

This new keyword won’t resolve the Warrior endless armor build and Brann, Reno problem… until you are not doing something effective to these… all the new cards are useless… leave the mini set… FIX THE GAME INSTEAD! :angry:


I have to agree. As a player with a warrior deck, my armor can get pretty high a timed and feels a bit OP.

But I am definitely interested in the mini-set

I liked minatarise very cool keyword and gigantify sounds cool too :slight_smile: im exited :smiley:

It looks i have nothing bad to say about the new keyword its a lategame card druid looks like it is getting some ramp payoff im ok with it.

Looking forward to more reveals so i assume every class gets gigantify i really cant wait to see the rest.

I want you guys to know that new cards will always shake up the meta so i have to disagree lets enjoy the reveal of cards and be abit positive it means we get new toys to play with literary haha see what i did there :smiley:

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Agreed. Brann needs to be nerfed hard imo.


Puppetmaster Dorian sure looks like it will fit nicely into every warrior deck out there… Hopefully they will have fixed things before it goes live

So, they just ripped off more old cards.

Creatively dead.

Can’t wait for frozen throne part 3!


Looking forward to the new cards. Looks interesting so far.

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What?!? the set that is referencing old sets has a mini set that is referencing old sets!!!
WOW, I can’t believe they’ve done that!

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I posted that already, with sarcasm included.

I wonder if your another ban evading alt account.

But they could have at least done something original…but as I pointed out: creatively dead.

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A 6 mana 14/14 taunt with spell immune is gonna be a joy to face in wild. Must be a card printed for standard power level. But still seeing turns they’re ramping up to like 8-10 mana on the turn 4s-5s with all the accumulated ramps cards haha. XD

Kinda reminds me of the standard vs wild shenaigans. Where classes often missing core answers like good aoe like classic priest, ended them having some of the best early hearthstone aoes outside of Warlock’s Defile. (Lightbombs, Psychic screams, etc.).

Seems like druid, getting a variety of ramp cards to play with, plus the evergreen 20 mana guff potential probably might still need to see if the card cuts the mustard.

But a 6 mana 14/14 immune to spells in a class that seems to be able to ramp there by turn 5-6 might be something to watch out for. Guess we’ll have to see all the toys every class gets though and see how the meta shakes up overall by winrate though.

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They are at a new low point for certain.


Hi mallenroh :slight_smile:

I dont think so the keywords for last few years have all been amazing - Tradeble in fact th , excavate and forge i dont think they creativly bankrupt these keywords have been on point and fun.

Certain cards in expansion are similar so that there are some synergies for combo players to build their decks around and also some combos with cards are easier to find then others.

I can get behind what you say, although none of these keywords were game changing for mage, as it got arguably the weakest cards with each of these keywords. Molten Rune is meh, so is Cryopreservation.
I will say, I like Fire Sale.

I love tradeable cards amazing and i love forge alot ignis is my faveroute forge card.

I do hope they make forge evergreen and i play sif mage molten rune was very flexible sometimes u need to know when to forge and when to just play card as it is.

Dont lose hope i believe no minion mage can succeed my theory is to build a more value control based mage with it and use cosmic keyboard along with spells that summon minions like frost lich cross stich so we develop from removal and spell thats how we generate our tempo in no minion mage.

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No Toggwaggle recognition? Well there goes my hopes for the miniset.

Toyrantus is nothing in wild. If you can’t handle that in wild then your deck is just a weak wild deck to begin with.

EDIT: And it’s not accurate to say immune to spells. I kept googling and searching for 10 minutes trying to find the card you’re talking about, and finally settled on you must be talking about the elusive minion. Elusive means can’t be targeted by spells but they can still be affected by the many many non targeting spells out there, so not immune.