Uncover Brand New Toys with Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions!

But where is the Solo Adventure? :sob:

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Dorian and Rotation Rogue seems destined for a comeback…

What the ever loving !@#$% is that druid card? A 6 mana 14/14 with ELUSIVE? Are you for real? I swear to christ in heaven, you devs are beyond intellectually challenged.
“Druids are running rampant”. THEY ALREADY DO THAT!!! They don’t need any more !@#$ing help.

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I think the development team definitely doesn’t know what they’re doing. The druid hero cards are already ridiculously overpowered, and now they’re introducing an 6-mana 14/14. Instead of fixing potential bugs and broken mechanics (like Reno, Brann), they’re making the game even more unbalanced, which takes away the enjoyment of playing.

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Warrior will be ever MORE oppresive after this set drops. Guess their lead designer stinks at Warrior but loves the class so has to make it so any braindead person can get to legend with it.

That druid card is especially egregious since druids can, you know, RAMP TO 10 MANA EASILY!