Why is the Inferno 5 Combat Rating so high?

I don’t think this is an exploit.
Laws and regulations are open to interpretation.
You interpreted this regulation strictly, and I don’t.

Then what about Heliquary help, Challenge Rift help, ‘follow’ hunting, or auto-primary attack in fixed place using the game’s setting?
They are all exploits according to your values, but many people who have different values from you ​​do so.

Also, talking about something else, this Code of Conduct is not a law. It is just a regulation set by the game company. If Blizzard says it can’t be done, it can’t be done, and if it says it can be done, it can be done? I’m not saying we could ignore the regulations, but I’m saying it would be good that you shoudn’t be too inflexible using the regulations. We could think about things in terms of common sense and morality.

This works for all classes. In the case of barb, it pulls monsters with chains. Also, in the case of melee characters, it lures monsters by provoking them with the effect of legendary gems. For example, gloom cask.

balloon effect.

I wouldn’t consider it an exploit.
First of all, party between infernos is allowed and it’s a feature. If I join random queue, there are players from infernos 1-4. How is that any different?
Second. Usually people do these in turns, so everyone in party is on both ends and nobody is in any disadvantage.

Even if the full party benefits from it, it is still an exploit as 3 players do not play the difficulty to gain i5 sets.

It can be considered less of a problem when PL new/recent players regarding current difficulty. But here, it is about i5 and P700, the next difficulty.

Before, a lot a players could do the next difficulty starting 50ish paragon level earlier with the CR. Now, only a few have the capacity to do it, and that is fine as long as they can play the difficulty by them selves.

Leashing i5 dj without the CR by far taking advantage of a game feature is boardline at best if not cheating. Those who do it will have quite an advantage over the vast majority of players.

The “conventional” way would be to shift i4 wisp to i5 and green mystery box which take longer (7 times longer for wisps). Such discrepancy make leashing an exploit, imo.

So what about some early bird whales having already reached p700 and carrying the others in a premade group, while all group members are in i5? Would this be considered ok? Or is it only ok, if all players in the group are at p700, but some will still not have enough cr to tackle the dungeons, because of the large cr jump?
As it is right now, you can’t actually play those i5 dungeons even if you hit p700, if you don’t have enough cr from high leveled 5 star gems.

Scenario 1

  • A group of 4 Players
  • One of the players has enough CR to do INF5 dungeons
  • They enter an INF5 dungeon and the player with enough CR kills everything
  • All four players potentially get INF5 loot

Scenario 2

  • A group of 4 players
  • None of the players have enough CR to do INF5 dungeons
  • One of the players sets their game to INF1
  • Three of the players set their game to INF5
  • They enter an INF5 dungeon and the player on INF1 kills everything
  • The three players on INF5 potentially get INF5 loot

The difference between the two scenarios is very simple…

  • In the 1st, three players are potentially getting INF5 items because they’re being helped by one player that is capable of doing INF5 content.
  • In the 2nd, three players are potentially getting INF5 item despite none of the four players being capable of doing INF5 content.

Just because they take turns at this doesn’t meant they’re not all cheating.
The players being put at a disadvantage are those who are not cheating.

Which is exactly what I said in the opening post…

Too little too late. They’ll lower the cr eventually before that point I’m sure as less work needed

My current magic number is now 567

idk, cheating is too strong of a word for what this is. This is at most a minor exploit (imo not even that), with temporary and minimal “advantage” if you can even call it that. There are far worse exploits in the game (gem dupers still in the game btw). Imo veeeery low on a priority list to deal with (if it even makes it on the list).

They even made pve p2w now. Blizzard/Netease is a complete joke.

It’s four players, all of which are incapable of doing INF5 dungeons, receiving loot from INF5 dungeons.
It’s absolutely cheating.

Deliberately taking advantage of an exploit is cheating.

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Let me explain the scenario 1 you gave as an example according to your logic.
Except for one, the remaining three cannot perform the INF5 dungeon, but they receive the INF5 loot. It is unfair.
When the Heliquary help and Challenge Rift help, some players who do not meet the CR criteria receive the loot. It is unfair.

Those who do not do periodic events such as Conqueror, Survivor’s Bane, and Alley of Blood, etc. are at a disadvantage compared to people who do them. It is unfair.

Let me give you an example where what you believe to be unfair may not be unfair.

NetEase acknowledges auto-battle. Blizzard acknowledges that their IP Diablo has an auto-battle feature.

As I said before, there is an auto primary attack feature in the game.
Just turn on the primary attack aim and click the primary attack button with two fingers at the same time.

I know I can’t change your inflexible thinking, but I said above because I saw a flaw in your logic.

I see your point, but I am not convinced because this facility has been in play since the get-go.
In Diablo III, people used to speed run clan friends to level up through the season to level 70.
Everyone seemed to think this was normal. It was considered helping instead of cheating. Isn’t it a similar thing? If they did not want this kind of gameplay to exist would they not remove the ability to do it?

While I don’t and I didn’t even in D3, I figured it was a choice rather than an exploit? Just saying.

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According to your logic, it’s okay if four players, none of which can do INF5 dungeons, can get INF5 loot because one of them clears the dungeons on INF1.

It’s simple. If a hero that’s capable of content takes others that couldn’t do it themselves through it, that’s helping out. In this INF1/INF5 farming method none of them are capable of doing the INF5 content.

Yeah, you won’t change my mind on this. There’s a fundamental difference between capable players helping out players that can’t do it themselves and four players that are all incapable cheating to get rewards.

What’s the flaw in thinking that at least one of the players should be capable of doing INF5 dungeons if a party of four players want to do INF5 dungeons and get INF5 loot?

Whatever, for me personally, this is not even close to cheating. Players participating are actually playing and grinding. They still put in the same amount of work and time to farm as everyone farming i5 will. Inferno mixing is a feature and if devs don’t think this is fair they can solve this in 30 sec, by locking it behind paragon lvl or actual cr for example.

Besides, every active player will get the same results next week or two and 10 weeks later none of it will even matter anymore, because all these items will become garbage.

3rd party plat, gem duping, alt farming, account sharing, these are exploits that should bother us. Some characters have gained huge and permanent advantage thanks to these. What we are talking about is nothing, whatever “advantage” this prefarm gives, will disappear in a heartbeat and I’m fine with it.

The flaw in your logic that I’m talking about is,
Your logic says that it’s unfair for someone who can’t perform INF5 to get the loot of INF5.
What I mean is that the three people in your scenario 1 also get the loot even though they can’t perform INF5.

I don’t think that both scenario 1 and scenario 2 are unfair.

Why is there a condition that says that helping is okay all of a sudden?

For example,
Scenario A
My friend has a CR of 46200 and always plays with me, so I collected 1000 INF5 wisps.
Scenario B
My friend has a CR of 45000, so I collected 200 INF5 wisps using the method that you call ‘cheating’.

Is A okay and B unfair?
Do people not feel disadvantaged for A, but for B?

Your opinion is a very personal interpretation, and
As far as this thread goes, it seems to be a minority opinion.
The majority here does not think the same as you.

Only the player that has their difficulty set to INF1 is actually killing anything. The other three players, set to INF5 difficulty, are doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. The members of the group are obtaining INF5 loot whilst none of them are capable of INF5. This isn’t one strong player helping out three weaker ones, it’s four players getting loot none of them is strong enough to earn properly.

Indeed it is, and the underlying intent of that feature is so that if three players are INF4 capable, and one player is INF1 capable, they can play together. The intent is not so that four players, all of which are incapable of INF5, should be able to play in, and get loot from, INF5.

Except that, as I already said in my opening post, I’ll absolutely hit Paragon 700 next week (Monday, most likely) and still be hundreds of CR too low for INF5 dungeons even if I somehow managed to craft eight triple/triple exceptional set items.

No, my logic is that if all four members of the party are incapable of INF5 then none of them should be able to get INF5 loot. If one of them is capable, and carries the other three, I don’t have a problem with that.

Stronger heroes helping out weaker ones has always been part of MMOs.


I’m uninterested in an Argumentum ad populum defence of cheating.

In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for ‘appeal to the people’) is a fallacious argument which is based on claiming a truth or affirming something is good or correct because many people think so.

The inverse argument, that something that is unpopular must be flawed, is also a form of this fallacy

Finding and utilizing things outside of the game developer’s intentions has always been part of the game.

‘helping is okay’ as a basis for ‘only Scenario 2 is unfair’, it’s too weak basis. It’s the same for people in Scenario 1 and people in Scenario 2 to do nothing.

This is not an issue about absolute truth.
Depending on the interpretation, depending on the values, the judgment can be different.

This is a very convenient logic.
It is an inflexible and closed-minded logic.

In this INF1/INF5 farming method, none of the four players are actually capable of doing INF5 dungeons.
That’s the absolute truth.

Three of the four players are receiving rewards that none of them are capable of earning.
That’s the absolute truth.

No, it’s a logical fallacy to imply that simply because something is popular it must be true / correct or, conversely, that if it is unpopular it must be false / incorrect. My logic’s sound, i.e. if all four players are incapable of doing INF5, they shouldn’t be getting rewards from INF5.

You have your opinion, I have mine. Call it what you want. For me, this “problem” is irrelevant and calling it cheating is just funny to me considering how many exploits exist, that are actually harmful and unfair.

Anyways we got a bit off topic, it’s been very silent from blizzard’s end and probably the Cr gap will be solved shortly. Either by lowering it, giving us a new item slot, or something else. I doubt they will leave it as it is. We will find out soon enough.

These are, of course, objective facts, absolute truths.

What I’m saying is that the judgment of whether this issue is unfair or not is not the absolute truth.
If it is the absolute truth, then even if that opinion is a minority opinion, it is correct.

I have never said that the majority opinion must be right and the minority opinion must be wrong in all cases.

This issue is not an issue of overwhelming right and wrong, such as ‘murder is bad’ or ‘3rd party plat is unfair’.

You did not accept it at all when the majority said it during the barb balance issue and now.
Think about why the majority says the same thing.

Guys don’t waste your time with op. They are a serial complainer and hypocrite. Peace.

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