My hero is Paragon 694 with 45087 Combat Rating.
I have 30 legendary containers and 4 set item containers ready for when I reach Paragon 700…
I have 52 INF5 wisps which were traded up from 364 INF4 wisps at the Blacksmithing Materials NPC at the 7:1 ratio…
And I have 30 flora, awaiting to be cleansed once I hit Paragon 700 so that the wisps earned will be INF5 versions…
I’m going to reach Paragon 700 very early next week.
Let’s just assume that the flora cleansing gets me another 10 INF5 wisps, and that salvaging my existing INF4 set items gets me enough to trade up to another 2 INF5 wisps. That gives me maybe 65 INF5 wisps, i.e. enough to craft 13 INF5 set items.
Let’s just say I get superbly lucky, and all eight items I craft are triple stat / triple magic items and they are therefore around a 100 CR improvement over what I currently have, so that takes me from my current 45087 CR up to 45887 CR.
Okay, so about those INF5 requirements…
- Open World - 45665
- Dungeons - 46115
This means that, even if all eight set items I craft are triple/triple (and we all know how incredibly unlikely that is from just 13 crafts) I’m still going to be a couple of hundred CR too low to do INF5 dungeons when I reach Paragon 700.
This difficulty step is the very first time, since I started playing on day one of the servers going live, where I’ve been unable to pre-farm the next difficulty to have gear ready and waiting for when I meet the paragon requirements to equip it. Heck, I’m not even going to have enough CR to do dungeons after I’ve reached the paragon level requirement.
Why was the CR increase from INF4 to INF5 so huge that it prevented the vast majority of your players from pre-farming it and, come next week, why do you want most of your players that reach Paragon 700 to be unable to do dungeons in INF5?