Why is the Inferno 5 Combat Rating so high?

My hero is Paragon 694 with 45087 Combat Rating.

I have 30 legendary containers and 4 set item containers ready for when I reach Paragon 700…

I have 52 INF5 wisps which were traded up from 364 INF4 wisps at the Blacksmithing Materials NPC at the 7:1 ratio…

And I have 30 flora, awaiting to be cleansed once I hit Paragon 700 so that the wisps earned will be INF5 versions…

I’m going to reach Paragon 700 very early next week.

Let’s just assume that the flora cleansing gets me another 10 INF5 wisps, and that salvaging my existing INF4 set items gets me enough to trade up to another 2 INF5 wisps. That gives me maybe 65 INF5 wisps, i.e. enough to craft 13 INF5 set items.

Let’s just say I get superbly lucky, and all eight items I craft are triple stat / triple magic items and they are therefore around a 100 CR improvement over what I currently have, so that takes me from my current 45087 CR up to 45887 CR.

Okay, so about those INF5 requirements…

  • Open World - 45665
  • Dungeons - 46115

This means that, even if all eight set items I craft are triple/triple (and we all know how incredibly unlikely that is from just 13 crafts) I’m still going to be a couple of hundred CR too low to do INF5 dungeons when I reach Paragon 700.

This difficulty step is the very first time, since I started playing on day one of the servers going live, where I’ve been unable to pre-farm the next difficulty to have gear ready and waiting for when I meet the paragon requirements to equip it. Heck, I’m not even going to have enough CR to do dungeons after I’ve reached the paragon level requirement.

Why was the CR increase from INF4 to INF5 so huge that it prevented the vast majority of your players from pre-farming it and, come next week, why do you want most of your players that reach Paragon 700 to be unable to do dungeons in INF5?

Maybe they will lower the CR requirement in next week’s update?

Here’s hoping they’ll lower it, I still don’t have even 44k yet.

I’ve already crafted a set of greens with the 500+ i4 wisps I’ve gotten this year (started Christmas) giving me 644 cr. One is a 2330 and another is 2290 the rest are lower. I’m sitting at 44880 currently and with 90m of experience banked I’ll hit 700 on login on Monday. Running OW should be ok but dugeons will be a challenge. It’s def odd how high a jump this one randomly is.

What update?

We usually get patch notes (at least) every 2 weeks. The last set of Patch Notes we got were on 20th January. That means we should have gotten new patch notes three days ago, on the 3rd February.

  • We did not get any patch notes.

Non-emergency patches are applied to EU servers 01:00-03:00 CEST on Wednesday mornings.

  • We did not get a patch yesterday.

We get notices in-game and in the Battlenet Launcher about scheduled downtimes (during which patches are applied).

  • We have no such notice.

So, whilst there was some Reddit post (I think) with some love hearts on it mentioning the 10th February, meaning there’ll be a Valentine’s week tie-in, there’s been no indication of anything such as changes to Combat Rating requirements, new gear items, balance changes, upcoming events, and so on.

If that’s the case, people are going to hit Paragon 700 next week and, for the vast majority of them, they still won’t be able to do INF5 dungeons.

The issue is this…

  • INF3 Open World 39320 CR
  • INF4 Open World 41165 CR, i.e. a 1845 CR increase from previous difficulty
  • INF5 Open World 45665 CR, i.e. a 4500 CR increase from previous difficulty
  • INF6 Open World 47690 CR, i.e. a 2025 CR increase from previous difficulty

The step-up in CR from INF4 to INF5 is more than double the step-up from INF3 to INF4 or from INF5 to INF6. I don’t know why Blizzard / NetEase wanted to stop the vast majority of their players dead in their tracks for the last month+ (being unable to pre-farm unless using decidedly shady tactics which sound like an exploit or being whales with enough CR due to legendary gems) or when they reach 700.

For the first time in 2.5+ years, I won’t be able to do current content next week unless something changes before Monday.

12th February Valentine’s Updates! Confirmed


and well, I did say “maybe they will lower it down” though in my post. No confirmation. Just a speculation. Just like they always lower down the CR for Challenge Rift in the latest update.

Well, Netease is still on Chinese New Year holiday in this week… :laughing:

Isn’t it obviously so that their beloved whales can safely prefarm Inf5 gear to get even bigger advantage over us low-lifes?

We haven’t been given the i5 essences yet :slight_smile: so I was guessing either this week or next week with server level hitting 690

Non-emergency patches are applied to EU servers 01:00-03:00 CEST Wednesday mornings…

We didn’t get a patch yesterday, so not this week.

If it’s not applied until Wednesday, that’s two days too late.
Lots of folks are going to hit 700 on Monday.

Based on that simple math, it makes perfect sense why it seems incorrect, with 5 & 6 only having a 2K difference.

What it should be quickly summarised at base minimum:

INF3 39K
INF4 41K
INF5 43K
INF6 45K

That said, many whales are already in the 48K range. So exponentially perhaps a 3K difference between tiers would be more rounded? who knows? That would be 39, 42, 45, 48

Fitting for blizz :rofl:

Paragon 699 to 700 is going to be nightmarish unless you’ve saved tons of Codex points, Legendary fish and reward emails.

Mao has a new video up entitled ‘PARAGON 700! (Server 1st)’ detailing the grind he did. He mentions the experience gain is lowered to 1% making it near impossible to grind to 700. It’s worth the watch and a good primer for the next grind to 800.

Essentially, the CR reqs are there to make the Krakens feel good again and have us all kiss their feet. It is after all, the basic premise of this game.

What if they add an item slot, it’s like 2,3k extra cr. That would cover the cr difference.

…You do know that’s only for grinding to 700 this week (2 weeks ahead of server paragon), right? If you wait 1 week it’ll be easy and 2 weeks everyone will be 700+.

This game’s updates sometimes don’t adhere to the 2 week rule.
I thought the update would be delayed when I saw the notice at the top of this forum page that ‘Inventory and Stash Expansion Benefits via Authenticating’ would be delayed to February 12th.

I thought about this too. ‘Will they add a new item slot?’

On the other hand, I also thought.
Don’t the increased CR criteria mean that ‘if you want to make pre-farming easier, spend money to increase resonance and CR’?

Their measures have made our pre-farming inconvenient, but it is not completely impossible. Four party members can pre-farm by sacrificing each other and helping each other. Many people on my server, including myself, are preparing for INF5 in this way.

I remember that it was difficult to meet the CR criteria in the early days of DI. I got help from high-CR, high-resonance players to play dungeons and get set items to raise my CR. This is not something we have experienced for the first time.

However, high CR criteria for old players are a bigger problem for latecomers, so at some point, the CR criteria should be lowered.

The method you’re alluding to is clearly an exploit.

See above.

Inflexible person.
I can tell that you are different from me from the fact that you insist on number calculation, are against auto-battle, and only play barb, and do not tolerate low CR players in dungeons. (I will admit that your values ​​are different from mine.)
This is an act within the rules of the game.
This is a phenomenon that occurred when the game company made the CR gap 4000.
You don’t do open-world hunting in fixed place by turning on the primary attack aim feature in the game settings and clicking down the primary attack button with two fingers, right?
You think it’s unfair that you get help from a high-resonance player to beat the last boss of Heliquary you can’t beat because your CR is low?

One player on INF1, three difficulties below where they should be, killing all the mobs in a dungeon so that the other three players, set to INF5 where they couldn’t kill even a trash mob, get INF5 set items / legendaries?

Blizzard End User License Agreement says that you must abide by…


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Three players that are incapable of killing a single trash mob, being run through dungeons by a player on multiple difficulties lower, to gain loot items they would otherwise be incapable of obtaining themselves? Yeah, that’s cheating and an unfair advantage because they’d be incapable of earning the loot if they had to kill the mobs themselves.

I agree that the CR jump is way too high.
I disagree that cheating is an acceptable response to that situation.

Nope. Didn’t even know that setting was a thing. I don’t play on phone, I play on PC with a keyboard and mouse, and when I’m in-game, I’m 100% actively controlling my hero. At no point have I ever done this AFK farming nonsense. I have, though, reported other players for doing it. Also, wouldn’t this only work for classes where their primary attacks have range, i.e. not a Barb like I exclusively play? If I was to stand in one spot and spam Lacerate what exactly would I be hitting?

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I don’t like that “1 player does all the job, 3 others benefit from it”, but right now it seems to be the only way for most players. And it’s at least more honest, IMO, than going in I5 with less than 44K of CR and joining random dungeons expecting that the other 3 random players will do the job for one. And I’ve seen many people doing the latter… Which may not be cheating but (again IMO) it is disrespectful. I’ve left dungeons because of this.

My guess (and what I hope) is that when people start reaching 700 and the current Challenge Rift levels begin to feel “small” for the whales, they’ll do as they’ve already done many times before, open new levels and make the “old ones” easier. And this has usually come with reduced requirements for the whole difficulty level that has become “smaller”, in this case, Inferno 5. But who knows…

Is it really considered cheating if they got carried by a willing whale mate?

Maybe it is unethical or bad if they (low CR leeches) try do it on public game, but if it pre-made party, i don’t really see this is an issue.