Vault Defense and Raid are unoptimized in PC. Insanely long loading time

I thought it was my PC at first but turned out that even my clan mates experienced the same problem with me. Those who play DI on PC generally experience a long loading time to enter the Raid/Dungeon and Vault Defense instances.

When I switched to the phone to play DI, the loading time for these instances was normal.


Yeah, it’s been like this for a couple of weeks.


Whilst those four things may possibly be valid, you’re ignoring basic root cause analysis, i.e. the most recent change is most likely the cause of the problem. Well…

  • People’s local hardware hasn’t changed.
  • People’s internet connections haven’t changed.
  • People’s downloading/streaming hasn’t changed.

Up until 2-3 weeks ago, I had absolutely zero issues with the loading times when zoning between map areas, into dungeons, into raids, into battlegrounds. The specs of my PC are way, way above what DI requires. Nothing has changed with my PC or connection. That leaves server-side issues and/or something in the DI client that changed.

Such widespread an issue isn’t hundreds of people’s PCs overnight becoming less powerful or their internet bandwidth being reduced. There’s a single point of failure somewhere, and that points squarely back to Blizzard / NetEase.


Here is the thing where my clan had been Immortal for few cycles and only in this cycle as Immortal where everything related to Immortal activities are lag in PC.

Kion 100% lagging regardless in PC or mobile, high setting and low setting graphic.

Vault Defense has long loading time on PC while mobile doesn’t.

And i don’t remember i downgraded my PC or my internet connection in this month either. :laughing:

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We just got this from the new Community Manager…

Server: Burning Hells
I have noticed over the last several weeks and increase in lag during loading into game, between maps and events, kions event, and during wb defense, and in vault. I know it’s not my internet or my phone. I even tried adjusting graphics in game. Plus others in my group or party are experiencing the same thing. The lag is so bad. It reminds me of strobe effect where everything just if flashing and pausing. Even have had up to 20sec of complete game freeze. It’s extremely Annoying. I started playing DI the day the game went live. I enjoy the game, but this lag makes it difficult to play.