"The Scars of Victory" QUEST (BUG) Fast help please! [SOLVED]

Hello, my The Scars of Victory quest bugged, i am clicking to quest and quest takes me to ship in the westmarch and doing nothing, I Tryed more times repair client, restart more times, and i was look to everywhere about of this quest on google but didnt found anything. Please help me, i was changes to difficulty hell 1 2 3 but nothing change, i was complete my all exclusive quest. Quest said “Deliver Eldruin to Aranoch” i tryed more times go to aranoch manual but not works i cant go there… This quest didnt have abondon button.

make sure you are in normal difficulty

I tryed all diff bro

Try going to World’s Crown / Terror’s Sanctum Waypoint, that’s where the quest would normally start, after defeating Diablo. Try clicking on the quest from there and hopefully you will be able to complete it.

how can i kill again diablo? i killed that more times ago

I didn’t say that you need to kill it again. Just go to the place where you would be (if you had just killed it) and try to finish the quest from there.

sanctuary of horror didnt takes me to inside, i need to go aranoch bro quest said “Deliver eldruin to aranoch”

he didnt say that he said

go kill him again and try the quest again

Which means that you already killed Diablo. Next step would be to go from where you exit the Diablo dungeon to a camp, there’s a cutscene, an interaction to leave the monk’s beads at the funeral, then you go west and get to an exit that takes you to Aranoch.

I’ve done this quest with 6 different characters, I know well how it goes, believe me.

I believe you my friend, but I need to see Diablo again to kill her again, I can’t enter the dungeon where she is.

From which map’s west can I go to Aranoch?

Your quest is asking you to deliver El’Druin to Aranoch. That’s what you have to do, you don’t need to kill Diablo again. Check the maps below, they show where you need to go:

From there, clicking on the quest should “trigger” it and show you the path you have to follow to complete it.

At that point, when I click on the mission, it throws me back to the ship in Westmarch and does nothing again, a vicious circle.

Have you tried speaking to Captain Rehm and choosing World’s Crown?

Yes, I tried it, I go to the entrance of the Diablo Lair, I click on the mission, it sends me back to Westmarch, inside the ship and nothing happens.

Then it seems that your game/character bugged out. Sorry, but if you can’t “track” the quest from World’s Crown, I have no idea about how to solve this.

What kind of nonsense is this… I sent a ticket to the game producers and they told me to go to the forum. It’s beyond ridiculous…

Most people in the forums are just regular players trying to help each other. But we can only do that up to a certain point and mostly based only on our own experience with the game. I never had this issue you are having now, so I could only suggest my idea thinking that it might have solved it. Sorry that it didn’t.

I’m not mad at you or anyone else on the forum, thanks for your help, I’ve sent a ticket to the game developers before and I’m just mad that they redirected me here instead of fixing it.

prob cuz they have just as little clue lol, send it here to the hive mind. Ok so the quest takes you to the ship, when you talk to Rehm what happens? Does it give you a list of locations?

Another possibility. I’ve located where the Exit towards Aranoch should be. See the map below, try going there, you’ll see a gate, walk towards it and hopefully you will see an “Embark” circle on the ground that should take you to Aranoch.