Terror Reign - Diablo Health constantly resetting - PC

During the Diablo Fight in the Terror Reign quest, Diablo’s health is constantly resetting. and I have to start the entire fight from scratch. I have yet to be able to complete quest due to to this.

I get him to 200M he resets back to 240. Get him to 180M and reset back to 240M. Got him to 30M and he resets back to 240M and this is just in one attempt.

I am assuming this is a bug and not some sort of fight mechanic that I am missing somewhere?

I had no problem with this in the group fight but it is much faster of a fight with 4 people but it does not count towards quest completion.

Just frustrating to spend 30+ minutes in a fight with no completion due to the constant health resets and of course I eventually have no potions so I end up dying at some point.

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I have the same issue here. Also, Diabo only spawns portals at the beginning. It’s really not enough to charge El’Druin.

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This is something we are aware of and are looking into!


I have completed this fightv3x . Diablo Immortal, iPad.
It is very hard on the thumb joint.

Any news??? It’s annoying to try again and again to complete this quest.