Suggestion for modifying Random Dungeon finder

The random dungeon party finder was initially, IMO, one of the better features you introduced into the game. But more and more it seems to being taken over by botters and leeches. My estimate is that almost 50% of every random dungeon party I join has at least one leech in it, i.e. someone who is playing an Inferno difficulty well below the CR recommended for that dungeon difficulty. Numerous times the party had 2 leeches in it, and there have been 4 separate occasions just in the past week alone where all 3 other party members were leeches and seemed to expect me to carry them all by myself. (I left and took the 5 minute penalty you impose for not wanting to reward leeches.)

Within the past hour I joined a party with 2 leeches, both of whom were playing at I5. One was only 700 points below the 31.5k CR for playing I5, but the other had only a 24k CR and wasn’t even at Paragon 1200 yet, but was playing at I5 when the CR suggested he/she was not even capable of playing I4 much less I5.

Most of the time if I call them out on it in party chat there is no response making me think they may be botters. They just keep on insta-dying or lying there dead the entire time until we kill the final boss when they miraculously return to life. Several times we’ve been forced to kick someone when we are waiting at the elevator and can’t proceed while the leech lies there dead. The few leeches I suspect may not be botters are the ones who hide in the corners or remain 2 or 3 rooms behind the main party.

Here’s my suggestion, which I would submit for your consideration to apply to random dungeons ONLY. Place a restriction that anyone who is more than 200 CR below the recommended CR level for that difficulty be barred from using the random party finder for that difficulty level. This will force them to either play at their appropriate difficulty level or find a non-random party who agrees to carry them. I’m suggesting this apply to only the use of the random party finder as I do not wish to discourage friends or clan mates from helping out lower rated players, but merely those who use the random party finder to leech off other players without consent.



Good idea. That would work too.

BTW, I realized the leech/botter problem in random dungeons appears to be much worse late at night than in the daytime. During the day leeches are less common, but if I try running a dungeon after the server day rolls over (3 AM) leeches are quite common.

Yes, pretty sure, because any time I send a whisper to one of these players, they tend to respond admitting that they know they don’t have enough CR.

If Blizzard can create an NPC and insert into a dungeon party, I see no reason why they would intentionally create a character below the CR level for the dungeon difficulty setting. If this becomes an increasing problem as it seems to be, they risk alienating their high cash customers who might resent people trying to cheat for things they’ve paid $$$$ for. A poor business decision to make your cash cows upset.

Another example of the problem: After 3 AM this morning, I noticed a player was dying every few seconds and trying to avoid active combat. So I looked at his stats: P1220, playing at I6 (not a typo) with a CR of 24600. When I mentioned the fact that he was not qualified to play at I5 much less I6, he responded “yeah I forgot to reset.” Riiiiight!