Currently in the game, we have Orange Coloured Gear, known as Legendary tier gear, which comes with essences to help your skills, and we have, since the last update of 6 new essences per class released, a total of 72 (6x12) essences available for each class playable in the game, out of which we can only apply 8… I repeat 8 out of 72 available essences, that we can use, and I know that with each newly added difficulty level and the relevant Paragon-or-CR levels, 6 new essences will released for each class.
So, I wanted to suggest the possibility of a new tier of gear added to the game, probably at Inferno 4 or higher difficulty… Mythic Gear, most likely Red coloured gear, that once found, will have the new essence on it, but will also allow for an additional essence to be applied to it via a new option at the Essence Transfer person in each settlement and at Westmarch.
Maybe even allowing more than 2 essences per gear as you level up the red gear even higher. In fact, after gear reaches the max level 30… Maybe add a new Class level to gear (by whatevr name Blizard/NetEase wishes) just like how after a player reaches level 60… their levels after that are counted as Paragon level1 upwards.
Similarly, the gear after level 30, could be something like Level 30 (I), 30 (II) and so on… And at eah new such bractet level, a new essence can be added to that red (mythic) piece of gear, thus allowing players to use more essences per gear, than just 8 out of a vast pool of what is already 72 essences…
For this, maybe make essences, not confined to gear themslevs, as such… Yes, when first found, they are attached to the Legendary piece, but once you reach Inferno4 or whatever, ESSENCE FLUIDITY should be allowed, where essecnes are just in the library, and the tabs in the essence menu at the bottom, are of skills they enhance rather than gear they’re found on, so any essence can be applied to any gear. For eg, let’s take the Blood Knight, since that’s the one I’m most familiar with… On the BK class, there are currently a number of essences for the ‘Abomination’ skill, which are mostly restricted to the pants or shoulder pieces… With ESSENCE FLUIDITY, players will be alllowed to apply the other essences related to ‘Abomination’ skill to other gear… but only on Mythic weapons… This can be applied to all essences of all mythic gear of all classes.
If the question arises… What then is the point of the gear piece itself, if only to just add essences to the essence library? Well, they are still unique in several different ways… Invocations, Curse propertis, Magic Attributes, and Stats Attributes… The only transferable property being the essences.
So in short… From maybe Inferno 4 or 5 onwards, add Mythic gear (maybe RED), with the ability to add more essences to the gear from the very start…1 additional essence per piece… and from 30(I) onwards, maybe till 30(V) or whatever Blizard/NetEase decides, add more essences per gear by chaning the essecnce libray in 2 ways…
- The Extract Option at the Essence Transfer person, should show the library in terms of tabs for Skills rather than tabs for gear, thus introducing ESSENCE FLUIDITY (Maybe as something you learn from a Main sory-line quest or other side mission, like we learnt Helliquiary or Beastiary); and
- A New Option Made (just like Blizard/NetEase recently did at the Jeweller for new gem functions)… Perhaps in the Inherit Section… where you can inherit multiple essences per gear (again, not having essences restrictefd to the gear they’re found on… so helm can inherit onses on pants, and so on)…
All those who disagree with this, please tell me why this shouldn’t be added… Else, Blizzrd/NetEase, please make this possible. It will make game-play more dynamic at higher levels, by using multiple essences, more thn just the 8 we’re currently restricted to.
Thank you.