Regarding the negative sign, the 8-person group copy problem

Hi, after the update. Will negative numbers no longer be able to participate in 8-person group dungeons in the future? If this change is made, the next stage will not be able to start a new stage.

Again, since you didn’t answer in your other topic… What game are you playing and asking about? It doesn’t sound at all like Diablo Immortal.

Excuse me, I mean diablo immortal

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Thank you, your texts are really hard to understand, guess that you are using a translator and sadly, it’s not doing a very good job :smile:

Another user gave a theory in your other topic, which sounds quite right. I’d suggest to keep the conversation there, if you don’t mind, to avoid duplicate replies or possible misunderstandings.

Because after this update, my account can no longer use the group invitation method to enter 8-person group activities helliquary, so I want to know if I will not be able to participate in the future. Because if you cannot participate in the next stage of this activity, you will not be able to unlock the next corresponding level progress. That’s why I raise this question, because I have been spending money on this game and I also support your company. That’s why I want to understand it clearly.

Most replies and answers have been posted to this thread. Continuing communication should continue there.