Power Extraction button MISSING (literally not on the screen to click)

For ~2 weeks now there has been a bug with the Power Extraction button for one of my gems: R7 Golden Firmament. The button is literally missing from the Gem Power Transfer screen. I have almost 500 gem power trapped there that I can not extract. I can’t update secondary resonance gems on it like vipers bite, mothers lament, tear of the comet and spiteful blood because any gem power used for those then also gets held hostage with no way of extracting. All other 7 gems have a power extraction button. I’ve tried switching golden firm to another piece of equipment, no power extraction button for it. I’ve tried repair client, refresh, reinstall entire app. Nothing works. Now the game just had a big update today, including bug fixes, and the power extraction button bug is still there.

When can we expect this to be fixed?

Thank you.

Device Type: ipad / iphone
Device Model: ipad 14 / iphone 14 pro
Device Operating System: iOS
Diablo Immortal App Version: brand new 2/26 game update

Yes and repeatedly posting the same thing over and over does nothing. It also goes against the forum rules of making duplicate posts.

Noted. Actually didn’t see my original post, nor a response to it. Thought it may have been deleted. Thanks for the response.

Any updates for fixes for this? Have this same thing on my r6 Rolling. Button is there for every other gem. Should have 600 GP to remove. I’ve tried on iOS and Android, same issue.

I did a step upgrade this morning from 4th step to 5th and lost it then.

ok then you used gem food from your reso gems possibly meaning you do not have 100% food avail

I have an excess of 668 GP for my next step increase that should be available to pull. I’ve done this process a lot, first time for the button to disappear. I have a BSJ with everything pulled out and the button is still there.

Is there any way for Jimmy or I to post a screenshot somewhere? Or send you one somehow, Garn? A screenshot will show it clear as day… GP on the gem + no button to click anymore to remove that GP from it.

You will need to host it somewhere first then share the link as shown here. It seems that there are a variety of gem issues lately stemming from the new awakened gem system

Let’s see if this works (should be 3x images attached to link):


Embedding those for you:


Thought it might have been due to the gem whose power you were trying to extract was a partially completed progressive upgrade, so took a look at my 40% upgraded BSJ…

So, it doesn’t seem to be that.

Does it make any difference if your Golden Firmament gem is unsocketed, i.e. you take it out of the gear piece and it’s just in the gem tab of your Inventory?

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Same issue here, I’ve tried removing all socketed gems, changing slots, locking and unlocking the gem. Nothing seems to bring back the extraction button.

Oddly enough, mine happened when I hit 40% as well.

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Yeah man, have tried unsocketed… Regarding the progressive upgrade and 40% BSJ however,… that still seems to be the source of the bug, but with progressing our secondary resonance gems that are attached to the main gem… when this happen I was doing a progressive upgrade on my spiteful blood (at R7 Golden Firm it unlocks to add). So I’ve got spiteful on Golden Firm, I’m upgrading two levels on it at once (2 spitefuls + 120 GP taking spiteful itself from R5 to R6) and instantaneously when I hit the upgrade button for the spiteful, the “battle.net reconnect” popped up on the middle of my screen and the game refreshed. Once I was back in the game, that’s when the button was missing.

Downloaded game on my PC and same, clearly this is an issue with the game and not a device issue. iOS, Android and PC all have a missing button on that gem only.

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