Pets are not attacking anymore at the training dummy

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I’ve noticed that since yesterday morning pets are not involved anymore at the training dummy. Previously, when you log out and login again, your pet would start attacking the dummy at your next attack on it. I really hope this is not intended and it’s just a bug that you could fix as soon as you receive this report because, it was extremely useful to be able to involve the pet in the dummy run as some pet’s abilities could really improve your damage output and make it more realistic considering that your pets gets involved everywhere else.

Device Type: any
Device Model: any
Device Operating System: any
Diablo Immortal App Version: latest

This has been a change for at least a week now and not with the recent patch. Not sure the reason but should be up to us to put our pets in attack or passive modes

I see but, the point is that either way, attack mode or defense mode, the pet is not working anymore at the dummy and not since a week but since yesterday. I do training dummy runs daily so i can ensure you that 2 days ago i performed one before going to sleep and the pet was attacking the dummy as it has always done before. Then, the next morning so, just a few hour after, i tried to do another dummy run and the pet didn’t start attacking the dummy. This is the issue i want to point out, i hope it’s a bug because it’s extremely annoying.

how to fix it? i have the same problem

the pet on the training doll still doesn’t work for me.