Permanent Ban w/o Explanation

What you were doing at the exact time when banned rarely has anything to do with the penalty. Blizzard uses a system that mostly relies on others to report your language/name which then gets reviewed later and sometimes penalized. If they are looking for exploits/automation then that usually gets caught in detection sweeps over time. Then they ban everyone in a ban wave together. So that can take quite some time between the infraction and the penalty.

“Inappropriate” may very well be a text/name/player report category. Usually the other categories line up with the EULA cheating section.

Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:

  • cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
  • bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;
  • hacks; i.e. accessing or modifying the software of the Platform in any manner not expressly authorized by Blizzard; and/or
  • any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;
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The only problem with creating a new account is I also have DIIR, III & IV on the same account as DI. I doubt highly that Blizzard would allow me to transfer those games to a new account. And I’m NOT paying another $100 for D4 on my lappy. & what gurantees do I have that using a controller on any of those games won’t get me banned there too?

yeah would be really fing good to know blizzard

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No, you can’t transfer games between Battlenet accounts anymore. You would have to play DI on a fresh Bnet with no other game licenses. It is a bit of a pain to log in to two Bnet accounts, but yeah, you can. Your other games on your first Bnet account should not be banned just because DI was.

I don’t think using a controller is what got you banned. The game supports controllers. Just keep in mind that just because it supports controllers, does not mean everything you can do with them is legit. Sort of like owning a fast car. Just because it CAN go fast, does not mean you can break the speed limit.

I have no idea why you were actually banned though. I just know that it was not “just using a controller in a supported game”.


We all agree that this is somewhat getting out of hand and the lack or proper explanations is a bit off, although, at least on Blizz’s end, even with WoW, they don’t give it all too.
Let’s not forget that it’s not ‘only’ Blizzard managing the game, but NetEase also (as I’ve read, NetEase is the developer, and Blizzard the ‘distributor/name giver’ or something like that)

On some reports I see people saying the consoles they use had ‘extra stuff’ that could’ve been the culprit for the bans.
On other reports, people were ‘farming’ in same place, or suspect they got reported by other players for ‘afk farming’ when these players say that they were ‘watching TV or doing something else too’.

I think OP has 100% reasons to be upset, and may speak the true, but maybe it’s for the best to DROP the use of ANY consoles, and even outdoor farming (bestiary) for the time being, for safety.
The game itself isn’t ‘complicated’ to play, either in touch screen (mobile) or keyboard+mouse (PC).

Word of advice (to you and everyone else using controller): A friend of mine sent them a ticket beforehand, asking info about controllers (which are allowed, brand, etc), and got a response. Turns out, the one she was using seemingly is ‘allowed’, XBox X series, I even told her to mark the email she got as response (with a star), print the message too, for precautions, so she has something to show back as ‘proof’.

Some people may still think that ANY controller, even if the game ‘recognizes’, is useable. Some might not even know about ‘extra features’ not allowed by the game/company, like macro use. Get all info ASAP, send ticket about yours.

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Remember that they can push in ‘information about the players that not even they wouldn’t know’.
I’ve seen, for example, a LOT of players ‘lending’ their accounts to other, for example, so they can loggin in for, let’s say, Shadow Wars, and MAYBE, these ‘friends’ used unnallowed controllers, or did something ‘shady’ when logged in, who knows. It’s in their ToS that your the one and only ‘owner enabled to log in and play any game under the same account’.
Games like DI, where you interact a lot with other players, even if in a ‘passive’ way, can have these issues, sadly. As for others reading my above comment, take the advice and be 100% sure about your controller, if you use one, send them a ticket, before anything happens.

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NetEase certainly played a role, but it was in the early engine and business model parts. The story, art, quests, etc. were all Blizzard. NetEase finished their part way way before Blizz finished the rest. NetEase distributes in China (as required by law to have a Chinese company do there), and Blizzard distributes it everywhere else. I don’t know all the details of the legal agreement between the two, but that is still standing despite Blizzard breaking ties with NetEase on all other games in China. Blizzard now only has D:I in China.


Still, it would be nice to know what I supposedly did in DI so that I don’t do it again in an alt account. As far as what I was doing when I was banned, I was in Westmarch trying to decide how to level up my gems.

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You can dive in some parts of their legal page (Legal – Blizzard Entertainment) to see if on your end you did anything, but it’s common sense that they should provide that info, not abstractly as they’ve been doing, because they ban the accounts, the person creates another, and might be banned again for the same stuff.

That ‘ignorance’ is bad, on their end, sadly :confused:

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Only other recourse is arbitration, but have to wait 30 days

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When you look at the features/capabilities of dualsenseX, it’s not surprising at all that it’s banned. Unfortunately it seems to apply to folks who may or may not have been using those features.

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yep i have the same issue got banned for reason i dont even know but would that controller use be issue cause i use controller too ?

Seems to be happening alot lately, im onto my 3rd guest account, just waiting for the hammer to land again then clear cache and start again. Whats weird about it is that they seem absolutely sure while we are left in the dark. Im just waiting for my Battlenet account to get the hammer cause i wont let it go. 20 years man, its a long time to support a brand and get tossed like rubbish. They need to know they screwed up !


yah, idk either…it’s just very frustrating…this whole thing has gotten me so stressed out, I’m stress-retching every nite over it!

Blizzard is not being very good with ban explanations. Sometimes you do not even get email and when you continue asking, they’ll say “we already told you” when they did not.

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I got banned yesterday… i have no clue why… on the ticket i opened they told me i violated their tos (same as the mail i received)… i have no idea on how i did it. I opened another one asking exactly HOW i violated the tos. I play clear since day one spending money as well… i hope to get a REAL answer now …


To be sure, again, go to their legal site I posted above, they even have a page listing what ‘exact’ controllers are ‘allowed’ (allowed, not able. DI might recognize 1000 controllers worldwide, but only those in the list might be ‘allowed’, if it’s the controllers the reason for bans).
Their only ‘issue’ I see on all these posts, is their lack of proper explanation, of the exact thing that made those accounts being banned. But if they really have the reasons, and those are/might be in the ToS, that people could stubbornly not go and read, then there would be nothing they (the players banned) could do.

The ‘reason’ could be something the player could be ‘repeatedly’ doing without ‘knowing’ it goes agains their ToS, which, again, they don’t read.

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Not reading their ToS and other ‘contract terms’ is not Blizz’s fault, if the players continuously infract them, or parts of them. Better go there, read carefully, play safe (even if you might have to change controllers to what they got in the list, there’s even one for IOS users that have ‘extra features’).

Im convinced it’s people automating by use of macros, turbo buttons, switches, something

Controllers are expressly permitted. Automation is expressly forbidden. Seems simple enough, new players not reading, thinking auto attack is okay because their controller supports it. The game does not support automating any actions, insta ban for cheating, all Diablo franchise games are about action, not automation, sets this game apart from all other clones


I have trivial amounts of time playing this game and don’t talk to people in chat at all and just got banned without explanation a couple of days ago. Literally the only thing I am doing is playing it with a Backbone phone controller. I suspect however they are tracking 3rd party software interference they are mistakenly flagging controller software probably :frowning: